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Карты мира
Карта мира (Kamael)
Расположение на карте всех рейд-боссов
Карта мира (Interlude)
Карта мира (Chronicles 5)
Карта мира (Chronicles 4)
Расположение на карте всех рейд-боссов
Планы городов и деревень
Talking Island Village
Floran Village
Gludio Castle Town
Elven Village
Hunters Village
Dion Castle Town
Dark Elven Village
Rune Village
Town of Oren
Dwarven Village
Giran Castle Town
Orc Village
Godard Castle Town
Town of Aden
Gludin Village
Планы некрополисов, катакомб, пещер и т.п.
Ascetics Necropolis
Tower of Insolence: 1st Floor
Forge of The Gods: Lower Level
Disciples Necropolis
Tower of Insolence: 2nd Floor
Forge of The Gods: Upper Level
Martyr's Necropolis
Tower of Insolence: 3rd Floor
Forge of The Gods: Hall of Flame
Patriots Necropolis
Tower of Insolence: 4th Floor
Imperial Tomb
Piligrims Necropolis
Tower of Insolence: 5th Floor
Lair of Antharas
Saints Necropolis
Tower of Insolence: 6th Floor
Devil's Isle
Worshipers Necropolis
Tower of Insolence: 7th Floor
Necropolis of Sacrifice
Tower of Insolence: 8th Floor
Catacomb of Dark Omens
Tower of Insolence: 9th Floor
Catacomb of the Apostate
Tower of Insolence: 10th Floor
Catacomb of the Branded
Tower of Insolence: 11th Floor
Catacomb of the Forbidden Path
Tower of Insolence: 12th Floor
Catacomb of the Witch
Tower of Insolence: 13th Floor
Heretics Catacomb
Tower of Insolence: 13th Intermediate
Tower of Insolence: 14th Floor