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Acumen 1Casting Spd. +15%
Acumen 2Casting Spd. +23%
Acumen 3Casting Spd. +30%
Advanced Block 1Shield P.Def. +60%
Advanced Block 2Shield P.Def. +80%
Advanced Block 3Shield P.Def. +100%
Agility 1Evasion +2
Agility 2Evasion +3
Agility 3Evasion +4
Angelic Icon 1P.Def. +50%, M.Def. +50%, HP restored from heals -80%
Angelic Icon 2P.Def. +50%, M.Def. +50%, Accuracy +6, Critical +69, Speed +20, Atk. Spd. +20%, HP restored from heals -80%
Angelic Icon 3P.Def. +50%, M.Def. +50%, Accuracy +6, Critical +100, Speed +30, Atk. Spd. +30%, HP restored from heals -80%
Arcane ChaosCancel+Debuff resistance -30%, Magic MP Cost +30%, MP Regen per tick -24
Arcane Disruption 1+Casting Spd. -23%
Arcane ProtectionCancel resistance +30%, Debuff resistance +20%
Armor CrushP.Def. -30%, M.Def. -30%
Assassin ServitorAccuracy +4, Atk Speed +20%, Recover 5% of melee physical damage as HP, Critical +20% from behind, Critical Damage from behind +20%, Debuff Resistance +10%
Attack Aura 1P.Atk. +8%
Attack Aura 2P.Atk. +12%
Aura FlareAll Magic Damage -50%, this includes the Aura you cast to get the debuff
Battle Roar 1HP +10%, heals the amount added
Battle Roar 2HP +15%, heals the amount added
Battle Roar 3HP +20%, heals the amount added
Battle Roar 4HP +25%, heals the amount added
Battle Roar 5HP +30%, heals the amount added
Battle Roar 6HP +35%, heals the amount added
Bear Spirit TotemP.Atk. +20%, Speed -30%, Critical Damage +20%
Berserker Spirit 1P.Atk. +5%, M.Atk. +10%, P.Def. -5%, M.Def. -10%, Evasion -2, Speed +5, Atk. Spd +5%, Casting Spd. +5%
Berserker Spirit 2P.Atk. +8%, M.Atk. +16%, P.Def. -8%, M.Def. -16%, Evasion -4, Speed +8, Atk. Spd +8%, Casting Spd. +8%
Bison Spirit TotemAt 60% or less HP - P.Atk. +43%, Accuracy +6, Critical +100; At 30% or less HP - Critical changes from +100 to +400.
Blazing Skin 1Reflect 10% of melee range physical damage back on the attacker
Blazing Skin 2Reflect 15% of melee range physical damage back on the attacker
Blazing Skin 3Reflect 20% of melee range physical damage back on the attacker
Bless Shield 1Shield Block Rate +30%
Bless Shield 2Shield Block Rate +40%
Bless Shield 3Shield Block Rate +50%
Bless Shield 4Shield Block Rate +60%
Bless Shield 5Shield Block Rate +70%
Bless Shield 6Shield Block Rate +80%
Bless the Body 1HP +10%
Bless the Body 2HP +15%
Bless the Body 3HP +20%
Bless the Body 4HP +25%
Bless the Body 5HP +30%
Bless the Body 6HP +35%
Bless the Soul 1MP +10%
Bless the Soul 2MP +15%
Bless the Soul 3MP +20%
Bless the Soul 4MP +25%
Bless the Soul 5MP +30%
Bless the Soul 6MP +35%
Blessing of Noblessethis buff falls on death but none of your other buffs do
Blessing of Queen 1Critical +25%, Critical Damage +20%
Blessing of Queen 2Critical +27%, Critical Damage +22%
Blessing of Queen 3+Critical +30%, Critical Damage +25%
Blessing of SagittariusPhysical Skill Reuse Delay -??
Blessing of Seraphim 1MP regen per tick +30%
Blessing of Seraphim 2MP regen per tick +32%
Blessing of Seraphim 3+MP regen per tick +35%
Blessings of Pa'agrio 1P.Def. +8%
Blessings of Pa'agrio 2P.Def. +12%
Blessings of Pa'agrio 3P.Def. +15%
Blinding BlowSpeed +40%
BlizzardSpeed -45%
Block ShieldP.Def. -10%
Block Wind WalkSpeed -10%
Body of Avatar 1HP +10%
Body of Avatar 2HP +15%
Body of Avatar 3HP +20%
Body of Avatar 4HP +25%
Body of Avatar 5HP +30%
Body of Avatar 6HP +35%
Bright Servitor 1M.Atk. +55%
Bright Servitor 2M.Atk. +65%
Bright Servitor 3M.Atk. +75%
Chant of Battle 1P.Atk. +8%
Chant of Battle 2P.Atk. +12%
Chant of Battle 3P.Atk. +15%
Chant of Eagle 1Accuracy +2
Chant of Eagle 2Accuracy +3
Chant of Eagle 3Accuracy +4
Chant of Evasion 1Evasion +2
Chant of Evasion 2Evasion +3
Chant of Evasion 3Evasion +4
Chant of Fire 1M.Def. +15%
Chant of Fire 2M.Def. +23%
Chant of Fire 3M.Def. +30%
Chant of Flame 1Casting Spd. +15%
Chant of Flame 2Casting Spd. +23%
Chant of Flame 3Casting Spd. +30%
Chant of Fury 1Atk. Spd. +15%
Chant of Fury 2Atk. Spd. +33%
Chant of Predator 1Critical +20%
Chant of Predator 2Critical +25%
Chant of Predator 3Critical +30%
Chant of Rage 1Critical Damage +30%
Chant of Rage 2Critical Damage +40%
Chant of Rage 3Critical Damage +50%
Chant of Revenge 1Reflect 10% of melee range physical damage back on the attacker
Chant of Revenge 2Reflect 15% of melee range physical damage back on the attacker
Chant of Revenge 3Reflect 20% of melee range physical damage back on the attacker
Chant of Shielding 1P.Def. +8%
Chant of Shielding 2P.Def. +12%
Chant of Shielding 3P.Def. +15%
Chant of SpiritCancel resistance +30%, Debuff resistance +20%
Chant of Vampire 1Recover 6% of melee physical damage as HP
Chant of Vampire 2Recover 7% of melee physical damage as HP
Chant of Vampire 3Recover 8% of melee physical damage as HP
Chant of Vampire 4Recover 9% of melee physical damage as HP
Chant of VictoryHP +20%, restores the HP added, Speed -20%, Accuracy +4, P.Def. +20%, P.Atk. +10%, M.Atk. +20%, Atk. Spd. +20%, Critical +20%, Critical Damage +20%, M.Def. +20%, Casting Spd. +20%, Debuff Resistance +20%
Charm of LuckReduce Drop Penalty
Clarity 1Skill MP Consumption -4%
Clarity 2Skill MP Consumption -8% on the second cost only (There are 2 seperate times when a skill uses mp - when you use it and when it is finally cast. Clarity acts only on the second cost.
Clarity 3Skill MP Consumption -10%
Concentration 1Chance of casting interruption -18%
Concentration 2Chance of casting interruption -25%
Concentration 3Chance of casting interruption -36%
Concentration 4Chance of casting interruption -42%
Concentration 5Chance of casting interruption -48%
Concentration 6Chance of casting interruption -53%
Cripple 1-5Speed -30%
Cripple 6+Speed -45%
Curse Chaos 1Accuracy -12
Curse Chaos 2+Accuracy -13
Curse Disease 1+Amount restored from Heals -50%
Curse GloomM.Def. -23%
Curse of AbyssM.Atk. -30%, P.Def. -30%, Evasion -6, Speed -10%, Casting Spd. -20%, Magic Critical Rate -30%
Curse of DoomPhysical+Magical Skill Silence
Curse of Shade 1P.Def. -6%, M.Def. -6%
Curse of Shade 2P.Def. -8%, M.Def. -8%
Curse of Shade 3+P.Def. -10%, M.Def. -10%
Curse: Weakness 1P.Atk. -17%
Curse: Weakness 2-5P.Atk. -20%
Curse: Weakness 6+P.Atk. -23%
Dance of Aqua GuardResistance to Water attribute +30%
Dance of ConcentrationCasting Spd. +30%, Chance of casting interruption -30%
Dance of Earth GuardResistance to Earth attribute +30%
Dance of FireCritical Damage +50%
Dance of FuryAtk. Spd. +15%
Dance of InspirationAccuracy +4
Dance of LightMakes physical attacks Holy attribute
Dance of MedusaPetrify
Dance of MysticM.Atk. +20%
Dance of ProtectionFall damage -30%
Dance of ShadowSpeed -50%, Avoid Agro 100%
Dance of SirenMagic Critical Rate +200%
Dance of VampireRecover 8% of melee physical damage as HP
Dance of WarriorP.Atk. +12%
Dark VortexMP Regen per tick -12, Resistance to Darkness attribute -30%
Dash 1Speed +40%
Dash 2Speed +66%
Dead Eye 1P.Atk. +124, Accuracy +1, Atk. Spd. -20%, Critical Damage +??
Dead Eye 2P.Atk. +134, Accuracy +1, Atk. Spd. -20%, Critical Damage +15-20%
Dead Eye 3P.Atk. +145, Accuracy +2, Atk. Spd. -20%, Critical Damage +??
Dead Eye 4P.Atk. +155, Accuracy +2, Atk. Spd. -20%, Critical Damage +??
Dead Eye 5-6P.Atk. +??, Accuracy +??, Atk. Spd. -20%, Critical Damage +??
Dead Eye 7P.Atk. +188, Accuracy +3, Atk. Spd. -20%, Critical Damage +??%
Dead Eye 8P.Atk. +199, Accuracy +3, Atk. Spd. -20%, Critical Damage +20%
Death Whisper 1Critical Damage +30%
Death Whisper 2Critical Damage +40%
Death Whisper 3Critical Damage +50%
Decrease Weight 1Weight Penalty +3000
Decrease Weight 1Weight Penalty +6000
Decrease Weight 1Weight Penalty +9000
Defense Aura 1P.Def. +8%
Defense Aura 2P.Def. +12%
Deflect Arrow 1Bow Damage -16%
Deflect Arrow 2Bow Damage -19%
Deflect Arrow 3Bow Damage -22%
Deflect Arrow 4Bow Damage -25%
Demon WindAmount restored from Heals -50%
Demonic Blade Dance 1-3P.Atk. -10%, M.Atk. -10%
Demonic Blade Dance 4-5P.Atk. -15%, M.Atk. -15%
Demonic Blade Dance 6-7P.Atk. -20%, M.Atk. -20%
Demonic Blade Dance 8-9P.Atk. -25%, M.Atk. -25%
Demonic Blade Dance 10P.Atk. -30%, M.Atk. -30%
Divine ProtectionResistance to Darkness attribute +30%
Duelist Spirit 1Atk. Spd. +8%, PVP damage +??
Duelist Spirit 2Atk. Spd. +12%, PVP damage +??
Earth Chant 1P.Def. +5%, does not stack with Greater Might or War Chant.
Earth Chant 2P.Def. +10%, does not stack with Greater Might or War Chant.
Earth Chant 3P.Def. +15%, does not stack with Greater Might or War Chant.
Elemental ProtectionResistance to Fire attribute +30%, Resistance to Wind, Water, Earth attributes +20%
Empower 1M.Atk. +55%
Empower 2M.Atk. +65%
(Greater) Empower 3M.Atk. +75%
Entangle 1Speed -30%
Entangle 2+Speed -45%
Evade Shot 1Evasion +6
Eye of Pa'agrioCritical Damage +50%
Fell SwoopPolearm Arc +??
Final ServitorHP +20%, restores the HP added, Speed -20%, Accuracy +4, P.Def. +20%, P.Atk. +10%, Atk. Spd. +20%, Critical +20%, Critical Damage +20%, M.Def. +20%, Casting Spd. +20%, Debuff Resistance +20%
Fire VortexSpeed -10%, Atk. Spd. -30%, Casting Spd. -10%, MP Regen per tick -12, Resistance to Fire attribute -20%, Resistance to Water attribute +??%
Fist FuryAtk. Spd. +25%
Focus 1Critical +20%
Focus 2Critical +25%
Focus 3Critical +30%
Focus Attack 1-2Accuracy +3, Critical Damage +10-15%, Polearm can hit only 1 target
Focus Attack 3Accuracy +?, Critical Damage +?, Polearm can hit only 1 target
Focus Attack 4Accuracy +5, Critical Damage +?, Polearm can hit only 1 target
Focus Attack 5Accuracy +?, Critical Damage +?, Polearm can hit only 1 target
Focus ChanceCritical Chance from front -30%, Critical Chance from side +30%, Critical Chance from back +60%
Focus DeathCritical -30%, Blow land rate +60%, Critical Damage from front -30%, Critical Damage from back +90%
Focus PowerCritical Damage from front -30%, Critical Damage from side +30%, Critical Damage from back +60%
Fortune of Noblessedrop penalty reduced
Freezing Skin 1Reflect 10% of melee range physical damage back on the attacker
Freezing Skin 2Reflect 15% of melee range physical damage back on the attacker
Freezing Skin 3Reflect 20% of melee range physical damage back on the attacker
Freezing Strike 1+Speed -30%
Frenzy 1With Sword or Blunt: P.Atk. +100%, With 2hs/2hb: Accuracy +4, P.Atk. +150.2%, With other weapon: P.Atk. +???%
Frenzy 2With Sword or Blunt: P.Atk. +150%, With 2hs/2hb: Accuracy +4, P.Atk. +199.4%, With other weapon: P.Atk. +20%
Frenzy 3With Sword or Blunt: P.Atk. +200%, With 2hs/2hb: Accuracy +4, P.Atk. +301.95%, With other weapon: P.Atk. +???%
Frost Bolt 1+Speed -30%
Gift of Queen 1P.Atk. +6%, Accuracy +2
Gift of Queen 2P.Atk. +8%, Accuracy +2
Gift of Queen 3+P.Atk. +10%, Accuracy +2
Gift of Seraphim 1Reuse Delay -30%
Gift of Seraphim 2Reuse Delay -32%
Gift of Seraphim 3+Reuse Delay -35%
Glory of Pa'agrio 1M.Def. +15%
Glory of Pa'agrio 2M.Def. +23%
Glory of Pa'agrio 3M.Def. +30%
Greater Magic Haste PotionCasting Spd. +30%
Greater Might 1P.Atk. +4%, does not stack with Greater Shield or Earth Chant.
Greater Might 2P.Atk. +7%, does not stack with Greater Shield or Earth Chant.
Greater Might 3P.Atk. +10%, does not stack with Greater Shield or Eart Chant.
Greater Shield 1P.Def. +5%, does not stack with Greater Might or War Chant.
Greater Shield 2P.Def. +10%, does not stack with Greater Might or War Chant.
Greater Shield 3P.Def. +15%, does not stack with Greater Might or War Chant.
Greater Quick Step PotionSpeed +33
Greater Swift Attack PotionAtk. Spd. +33%
Guidance 1Accuracy +2
Guidance 2Accuracy +3
Guidance 3Accuracy +4
Guts 1P.Def. +100%
Guts 2P.Def. +150%
Guts 3P.Def. +200%
Hamstring 1+Speed -45%
Hamstring ShotSpeed -45%
Haste 1Atk. Spd. +15%
Haste 2Atk. Spd. +33%
Haste PotionSpeed +20
Hawk Eye 1P.Def. -10%, Accuracy +6
Hawk Eye 2P.Def. -10%, Accuracy +8
Hawk Eye 3P.Def. -10%, Accuracy +10
Hawk Spirit TotemAccuracy +6, Critical +100, Critical Damage +??
Herb of Atk. SpeedAtk. Spd. +33%
Herb of Casting Spd.Casting Spd. +30%
Herb of Critical AttackCritical +30%
Herb of MagicM.Atk. +75%
Herb of SpeedSpeed +33
Herb of StrengthP.Atk. +15%
Heroic BerserkerAccuracy +8, Evasion -8, P.Atk. +500, M.Atk. +500, P.Def. -25%, M.Def. -25, Atk. Speed +100, Casting Spd. +100, Speed +20, Cancel/Debuff resistance +??, Heals are ??% more effective
Heroic DreadSpeed +?? (this is a fear debuff)
Heroic GrandeurP.Def. -??, M.Def. -??, Evasion -??, Shield Block Rate -??, Magic Resistance (?) +??, Blocks all Physical and Magical effects (?)
Heroic MiracleP.Def. +5400, M.Def. +4050, Speed +5, Cancel resistance +??, requires Shield to function
Heroic ValorP.Atk. +250, P.Def. +500, Cancel resistance +??
HexP.Def. -23%
Holy Resistance 1Resistance to Holy attribute +15%
Holy Resistance 2Resistance to Holy attribute +23%
Holy Resistance 3Resistance to Holy attribute +30%
Holy WeaponMakes physical attacks Holy attribute
Hot Springs Cholera 1Accuracy +3
Hot Springs Cholera 2Accuracy +6, Evasion -3
Hot Springs Cholera 3Accuracy +8, Evasion -3
Hot Springs Cholera 4Accuracy +10, Evasion -3
Hot Springs Cholera 5Accuracy +6, Evasion -5
Hot Springs Cholera 6-7Evasion -5
Hot Springs Cholera 8-9Evasion -8
Hot Springs Cholera 10Evasion -10
Hot Springs Malaria 1Casting Spd. +4%
Hot Springs Malaria 2Casting Spd. +8%, MP Cost -4%
Hot Springs Malaria 3Casting Spd. +12%, MP Cost -4%
Hot Springs Malaria 4Casting Spd. +16%, MP Cost -4%
Hot Springs Malaria 5Casting Spd. +8%, MP Cost -8%
Hot Springs Malaria 6-7MP Cost -8%
Hot Springs Malaria 8-9MP Cost -12%
Hot Springs Malaria 10MP Cost -16%
HowlP.Atk. -23%
Ice Bolt 1+Speed -30%
Ice VortexSpeed -30%, Atk. Spd. -10%, Casting Spd. -10%, MP Regen per tick -12, Resistance to Water attribute -20%, Resistance to Fire attribute +??%
Infernal WeaponMakes physical attacks Fire attribute
Invigor 1Resistance to Bleed attribute +30%
Invigor 2Resistance to Bleed attribute +40%
Invigor 3Resistance to Bleed attribute +50%
Iron Will 1M.Def. +15%
Iron Will 2M.Def. +23%
Iron Will 3M.Def. +30%
Judgment 1-5Critical Damage -25%
Judgment 6-9Critical Damage -30%
Judgment 10Critical Damage -35%
Kiss of Eva 1Breath Guage +400%
Kiss of Eva 2Breath Guage +600%
Light VortexAccuracy -6, MP Regen per tick -12, Resistance to Holy attribute -30%
Lionheart 1Resistance to Shock, Hold, Sleep, Paralyze attributes +40%, Cancel Resistance +??
Lionheart 2Resistance to Shock, Hold, Sleep, Paralyze attributes +60%, Cancel Resistance +??
Lionheart 3Resistance to Shock, Hold, Sleep, Paralyze attributes +80%, Cancel Resistance +??
Magic Barrier 1M.Def. +23%
Magic Barrier 2M.Def. +30%
Magic Haste PotionCasting Spd. +23%
Magical BackfireSkill MP Consumption +??
Magical MirrorReflect magical debuffs at a 30% probability, physical at a 10% probability.
Majesty 1P.Def. +7%, Evasion -2
Majesty 2Evasion -4
Majesty 3Evasion -6
Mana Regeneration 1MP Regen per tick +1.72
Mana Regeneration 2MP Regen per tick +2.16
Mana Regeneration 3MP Regen per tick +2.74
Mana Regeneration 4MP Regen per tick +3.09
Mass Block Wind WalkSpeed -10%
Mass Curse of Shade 1P.Def. -6%, M.Def. -6%
Mass Curse of Shade 2P.Def. -8%, M.Def. -8%
Mass Curse of Shade 3+P.Def. -10%, M.Def. -10%
Mass GloomM.Def. -??
Mass Shield BlockP.Def. -10%
Mass Slow 1+Speed -45%
Mass Surrender to FireResistance to Fire attribute -??, Resistance to Water attribute +??%
Mass Surrender to WaterResistance to Water attribute -??, Resistance to Fire attribute +??%
Mass Surrender to WindResistance to Wind attribute -??, Resistance to Earth attribute +??%
Mental Shield 1Resistance to Hold, Sleep, Derangement +50%
Mental Shield 2Resistance to Hold, Sleep, Derangement +60%
Mental Shield 3Resistance to Hold, Sleep, Derangement +70%
Mental Shield 4Resistance to Hold, Sleep, Derangement +80%
Might 1P.Atk. +8%
Might 2P.Atk. +12%
Might 3P.Atk. +15%
Mighty Servitor 1P.Atk. +8%
Mighty Servitor 2P.Atk. +12%
Mighty Servitor 3P.Atk. +15%
Ogre Spirit TotemP.Def. +30%, M.Def. +30%, Evasion -9, Speed -30%
Pa'agrian Gift 1P.Atk. +8%
Pa'agrian Gift 2P.Atk. +12%
Pa'agrian Gift 3P.Atk. +15%
Pa'agrian Haste 1Speed +20
Pa'agrian Haste 2Speed +33
Phantom CubicP.Atk. -23% or P.Def. -23% or Atk. Spd. -23%
Physical MirrorReflect physical debuffs at a 30% probabilitym magical at a 10% probability.
Potion of AlacrityAtk. Spd. +15%
Power Break 1-2P.Atk. -20%
Power Break 3+P.Atk. -23%
Prayer 1Heal Power +8%
Prayer 2Heal Power +10%
Prayer 3Heal Power +12%
Prophecy of FireHP +20%, HP regen per tick +20%, P.Atk. +10%, P.Def. +20%, Accuracy +4, Speed -10%, Atk. Spd. +20%, Debuff Resistance +10%
Prophecy of WaterMP regen per tick +20%, M.Atk. +20%, M.Def. +20%, Speed -20%, Casting Spd. +20%, Magic Critical Rate +100%, Debuff Resistance +10%
Prophecy of WindAccuracy +4, Evasion +4, Atk Speed +20%, Recover 5% of melee physical damage as HP, Critical +20% from behind, Critical Damage from behind +20%, Debuff Resistance +10%
Psycho Symphony 1-3Speed +??, Atk. Spd. -10%, Casting Spd. -10%
Psycho Symphony 4+Speed +??, Atk. Spd. -??, Casting Spd. -??
Puma Spirit TotemAtk. Spd. +20%, Accuracy +6
Rabbit Spirit TotemP.Atk. -30%, Evasion +12, Speed +30%, Accuracy -9
Rage 1Evasion -3, P.Def. -20%, With Sword/Blunt: P.Atk. +45%, With 2hs/2hb: Accuracy +2, P.Atk. +55.4%, With other weapon: P.Atk. +??
Rage 2Evasion -3, P.Def. -20%, With Sword/Blunt: P.Atk. +55%, With 2hs/2hb: Accuracy +4, P.Atk. +64.085%, With other weapon: P.Atk. +20%
Rage of Pa'agrio 1P.Atk. +5%, M.Atk. +10%, P.Def. -5%, M.Def. -10%, Evasion -2, Speed +5, Atk. Spd +5%, Casting Spd. +5%
Rage of Pa'agrio 2P.Atk. +8%, M.Atk. +16%, P.Def. -8%, M.Def. -16%, Evasion -4, Speed +8, Atk. Spd +8%, Casting Spd. +8%
Rapid Fire 1P.Atk. +62, Atk. Spd. +20%, bow range -300, only works with a bow
Rapid Fire 2P.Atk. +67, Atk. Spd. +20%, bow range -300, only works with a bow
Rapid Fire 3P.Atk. +73, Atk. Spd. +20%, bow range -300, only works with a bow
Rapid Fire 4P.Atk. +78, Atk. Spd. +20%, bow range -300, only works with a bow
Rapid Fire 5P.Atk. +83, Atk. Spd. +20%, bow range -300, only works with a bow
Rapid Fire 6P.Atk. +??, Atk. Spd. +20, bow range -300, only works with a bow
Rapid Fire 7P.Atk. +94, Atk. Spd. +20%, bow range -300, only works with a bow
Rapid Fire 8P.Atk. +100, Atk. Spd. +20%, bow range -300, only works with a bow
Rapid Shot 1Atk. Spd. with a bow +8%
Rapid Shot 2Atk. Spd. with a bow +12%
Reflect Damage 1Reflect 10% of melee range physical damage back on the attacker
Reflect Damage 2Reflect 15% of melee range physical damage back on the attacker
Reflect Damage 3Reflect 20% of melee range physical damage back on the attacker
Regeneration 1HP regen per tick +10%
Regeneration 2HP regen per tick +15%
Regeneration 3HP regen per tick +20%
Resist Aqua 1Resistance to Water attribute +15%
Resist Aqua 2Resistance to Water attribute +23%
Resist Aqua 3Resistance to Water attribute +30%
Resist Fire 1Resistance to Fire attribute +15%
Resist Fire 2Resistance to Fire attribute +23%
Resist Fire 3Resistance to Fire attribute +30%
Resist Poison 1Resistance to Poison attribute +30%
Resist Poison 2Resistance to Poison attribute +40%
Resist Poison 3Resistance to Poison attribute +50%
Resist Shock 1Resistance to Shock attribute +15%
Resist Shock 2Resistance to Shock attribute +20%
Resist Shock 3Resistance to Shock attribute +30%
Resist Shock 4Resistance to Shock attribute +40%
Resist Wind 1Resistance to Wind attribute +15%
Resist Wind 2Resistance to Wind attribute +23%
Resist Wind 3Resistance to Wind attribute +30%
SanctuaryP.Atk. -23%
Sand Bomb 1-5Accuracy -6
Sand Bomb 6-9Accuracy -9
Sand Bomb 10Accuracy -12
Seal of Chaos 1-2Accuracy -6
Seal of Chaos 3+Accuracy -8
Seal of DespairP.Atk. -10%, M.Def. -30%, Accuracy -6, Critical -30%, Critical Damage -30%, Speed -20%, Atk. Spd. -30%
Seal of DiseaseHP restored from heals -50%
Seal of Scourge 1+HP regen per tick set to 0
Seal of Slow 1Speed -30%
Seal of Slow 2+Speed -45%
Seal of Suspension 1+Reuse delay +200%
Seal of WinterAtk. Spd. -23%
Servitor Haste 1Atk. Spd. +15%
Servitor Haste 2Atk. Spd. +33%
Servitor Magic Shield 1M.Def. +23%
Servitor Magic Shield 2M.Def. +30%
Servitor Physical Shield 1P.Def. +8%
Servitor Physical Shield 2P.Def. +12%
Servitor Physical Shield 3P.Def. +15%
Servitor Ultimate Defense 1P.Def. +1800, M.Def. +1350, Speed 0
Servitor Ultimate Defense 2P.Def. +3600, M.Def. +2700, Speed 0
Servitor Windwalk 1Speed +20
Servitor Windwalk 2Speed +33
Shield 1P.Def. +8%
Shield 2P.Def. +12%
Shield 3P.Def. +15%
Shield SlamPhysical skill silence
Shock BlastP.Def. -30%, M.Def. -30%
Slow 1Speed -30%
Slow 2+Speed -45%
Snipe 1P.Atk. +124, Accuracy +1, Critical +20%, Range +300
Snipe 2P.Atk. +134, Accuracy +3, Critical +20%, Range +300
Snipe 3P.Atk. +129, Accuracy +2, Critical +20%, Range +300
Snipe 4P.Atk. +138, Accuracy +2, Critical +20%, Range +300
Snipe 5P.Atk. +148, Accuracy +2, Critical +20%, Range +300
Snipe 6P.Atk. +158, Accuracy +2, Critical +20%, Range +300
Snipe 7P.Atk. +188, Accuracy +6, Critical +20%, Range +300
Snipe 8P.Atk. +199, Accuracy +6, Critical +20%, Range +300
Song of ChampionReuse Delay -30%, MP Cost -20%
Song of EarthP.Def. +25%
Song of Flame GuardResistance to Fire attribute +30%
Song of HunterCritical +100%
Song of InvocationResistance to Darkness attribute +20%
Song of LifeHP regen per tick +20%
Song of MeditationMP regen per tick +20%, MP Cost -10%
Song of RenewalPhysical Skill Reuse Delay -30%, MP cost -5%
Song of Storm GuardResistance to Wind attribute +30%
Song of VengeanceReflect 20% of melee range physical damage back on the attacker
Song of VitalityHP +30%
Song of WardingM.Def. +30%
Song of WaterEvasion +3
Song of WindSpeed +20
Soul of Pa'agrioM.Atk. +75%
Soul of Sagitarrius 1MP +10%
Soul of Sagitarrius 2MP +15%
Soul of Sagitarrius 3MP +20%
Soul of Sagitarrius 4MP +25%
Soul Shield 1P.Def. +8%
Soul Shield 2P.Def. +12%
Soul Shield 3P.Def. +15%
Spirit Barrier 1M.Def. +15%
Spirit Barrier 2M.Def. +23%
Spirit Barrier 3M.Def. +30%
Spirit of SagittariusPhysical Skill MP Cost -??
Spoil (enchanted)Atk. Spd. -23%
Spoil Festival (enchanted)Atk. Spd. -23%
Sprint 1Speed +20
Sprint 2Speed +33
Stealth 1P.Atk. -45%, P.Def. -45%, M.Def. -45%, Accuracy -12, Evasion -12
Stealth 2P.Atk. -45%, P.Def. -30%, M.Def. -30%, Accuracy -12, Evasion -8
Stealth 3P.Atk. -45%, P.Def. -15%, M.Def. -15%, Accuracy -12, Evasion -4
Stealthbase stats -??
Surrender to Earth 1Resistance against Earth attribute -25%, Resistance to Wind attribute +??%
Surrender to Earth 2+Resistance against Earth attribute -30%, Resistance to Wind attribute +??%
Surrender to Fire 1-3Resistance against Fire attribute -25%, Resistance to Water attribute +??%
Surrender to Fire 4+Resistance against Fire attribute -30%, Resistance to Water attribute +??%
Surrender to Poison 1-3Resistance against Poison attribute -25%
Surrender to Poison 4+Resistance against Poison attribute -30%
Surrender to Water 1+Resistance against Water attribute -30%, Resistance to Fire attribute +??%
Surrender to Wind 1+Resistance against Wind attribute -30%, Resistance to Earth attribute +??%
Tact of Pa'agrio 1Evasion +2
Tact of Pa'agrio 2Evasion +3
Tact of Pa'agrio 3Evasion +4
Thrill Fight 1Speed -20%, Atk. Spd. +5%
Thrill Fight 2Speed -20%, Atk. Spd. +10%
Tribunal 1-6Critical -30%
Tribunal 7-9Critical -40%
Tribunal 10Critical -50%
Touch of DeathMax CP -90%, Resist Debuffs -30%, Heals are 30% less effective
Touch of LifeCancel Resistance +60%Resist Debuffs 30%, Heals are 30% more effective
Ultimate DefenseP.Def. +1800, M.Def. +1350, Speed 0, Cancel Resistance +??
Ultimate DefenseP.Def. +3600, M.Def. +2700, Speed 0, Cancel Resistance +??
Ultimate Evasion 1Evasion +20, Cancel Resistance +??
Ultimate Evasion 2Evasion +25, Cancel Resistance +??
Under the Protection of Pa'agrio 1Shield Block Rate +30%
Under the Protection of Pa'agrio 2Shield Block Rate +40%
Under the Protection of Pa'agrio 3Shield Block Rate +50%
Unholy Resistance 1Resistance to Darkness attribute +15%
Unholy Resistance 2Resistance to Darkness attribute +23%
Unholy Resistance 3Resistance to Darkness attribute +30%
Vampiric Rage 1Recover 6% of melee physical damage as HP
Vampiric Rage 2Recover 7% of melee physical damage as HP
Vampiric Rage 3Recover 8% of melee physical damage as HP
Vampiric Rage 4Recover 9% of melee physical damage as HP
VengeanceP.Def. +5400, M.Def. +4050, Speed 0, Cancel Resistance +??
Vision of Pa'agrio 1Accuracy +2
Vision of Pa'agrio 2Accuracy +3
Vision of Pa'agrio 3Accuracy +4
War Chant 1P.Atk. +4%, does not stack with Greater Shield or Earth Chant.
War Chant 2P.Atk. +7%, does not stack with Greater Shield or Earth Chant.
War Chant 3P.Atk. +10%, does not stack with Greater Shield or Earth Chant.
War CryP.Atk. +20%
War CryP.Atk. +25%
Warrior ServitorHP +20%, P.Def. +20%, Accuracy +4, P.Atk. +10%, Speed -10%, Atk. Spd. +20%, HP added is healed, Debuff resistance +10%
Wild DefenseSpeed -90%, Atk. Speed -70%, P.Def. +400%, M.Def. +400%
Wild Magic 1Magic Critical rate +200%
Wild Magic 2Magic Critical rate +300%
Wind Shackle 1Atk. Spd. -17%
Wind Shackle 2-5Atk. Spd. -20%
Wind Shackle 6+Atk. Spd. -23%
Wind VortexSpeed -10%, Atk. Spd. -10%, Casting Spd. -30%, MP Regen per tick -12, Resistance to Wind attribute -20%, Resistance to Earth attribute +??%
Wind Walk 1Speed +20
Wind Walk 2Speed +33
Wisdom of Pa'agrio 1Casting Spd. +15%
Wisdom of Pa'agrio 2Casting Spd. +23%
Wisdom of Pa'agrio 3Casting Spd. +30%
Wizard ServitorMP Regen per tick +20%, Speed -20%, M.Def. +20%, M.Atk. +20%, Casting Spd. +20%, Magic Critical Rate +100%, Debuff Resistance +10%
Wolf Spirit TotemSpeed +20%, Accuracy +3
Wyvern AegisP.Def. +7000, M.Def. +6000
Zealot 1 (Destroyer)Atk. Spd. +10%, Critical +33, Accuracy +6, Speed +10, HP restored from heal +??
Zealot 2 (Destroyer)Atk. Spd. +20%, Critical +67, Accuracy +6, Speed +20, HP restored from heal +??
Zealot 3 (Destroyer)Atk. Spd. +30%, Critical +100, Accuracy +6, Speed +30, HP restored from heal +??
Zealot 1 (Tyrant)Atk. Spd. +10%, Critical Damage +33%, Accuracy +6, Speed +10, HP restored from heal +??
Zealot 2 (Tyrant)Atk. Spd. +20%, Critical Damage +67%, Accuracy +6, Speed +20, HP restored from heal +??
Zealot 3 (Tyrant)Atk. Spd. +30%, Critical Damage +100%, Accuracy +6, Speed +30, HP restored from heal +??