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Сортировка рецептов: Уровень 1I Уровень 2I Уровень 3I Уровень 4I Уровень 5I Уровень 6I Уровень 7I Уровень 8I Уровень 9
Сортировка общих рецептов: Уровень 1I Уровень 2I Уровень 3I Уровень 4I Уровень 5
  Название Кипа Вес Цена Дроп Спойл Крафт
 Chest Key - Grade 1
Opens a level 70 treasure chest with a success rate of 60%. When opening a higher level treasure chest, the success rate will decrease.
Да 10 10000  Нет Нет Нет
 Chest Key - Grade 2
Opens a level 60 treasure chest with a success rate of 60%. When opening a higher level treasure chest, the success rate will decrease.
Да 10 7400  Нет Нет Нет
 Chest Key - Grade 3
Opens a level 50 treasure chest with a success rate of 60%. When opening a higher level treasure chest, the success rate will decrease.
Да 10 5100  Нет Нет Нет
 Chest Key - Grade 4
Opens a level 40 treasure chest with a success rate of 60%. When opening a higher level treasure chest, the success rate will decrease.
Да 10 3200  Нет Нет Нет
 Chest Key - Grade 5
Opens a level 30 treasure chest with a success rate of 60%. When opening a higher level treasure chest, the success rate will decrease.
Да 10 1900  Нет Нет Нет
 Chest Key - Grade 6
Opens a level 20 treasure chest with a success rate of 60%. When opening a higher level treasure chest, the success rate will decrease.
Да 10 1200  Нет Нет Нет
 Chest Key - Grade 7
Opens a level 10 treasure chest with a success rate of 60%. When opening a higher level treasure chest, the success rate will decrease.
Да 10 760  Нет Нет Нет
 Chest Key - Grade 8
Opens a level 1 treasure chest with a success rate of 60%. When opening a higher level treasure chest, the success rate will decrease.
Да 10 70  Нет Нет Нет
 Deluxe Chest Key - Grade 1
Opens a level 1~19 treasure chest with a success rate of 100%. When opening a higher level treasure chest, the success rate will decrease. However, the success rate will be the same for receiving an item as a reward.
Да 10 130  Нет Нет Нет
 Deluxe Chest Key - Grade 2
Opens a level 20~29 treasure chest with a success rate of 100%. When opening a higher level treasure chest, the success rate will decrease. However, the success rate will be the same for receiving an item as a reward.
Да 10 200  Да Нет Нет
 Deluxe Chest Key - Grade 3
Opens a level 30~39 treasure chest with a success rate of 100%. When opening a higher level treasure chest, the success rate will decrease. However, the success rate will be the same for receiving an item as a reward.
Да 10 320  Да Да Нет
 Deluxe Chest Key - Grade 4
Opens a level 40~49 treasure chest with a success rate of 100%. When opening a higher level treasure chest, the success rate will decrease. However, the success rate will be the same for receiving an item as a reward.
Да 10 560  Да Да Нет
 Deluxe Chest Key - Grade 5
Opens a level 50~59 treasure chest with a success rate of 100%. When opening a higher level treasure chest, the success rate will decrease. However, the success rate will be the same for receiving an item as a reward.
Да 10 860  Да Да Нет
 Deluxe Chest Key - Grade 6
Opens a level 60~69 treasure chest with a success rate of 100%. When opening a higher level treasure chest, the success rate will decrease. However, the success rate will be the same for receiving an item as a reward.
Да 10 1200  Да Да Нет
 Deluxe Chest Key - Grade 7
Opens a level 70~79 treasure chest with a success rate of 100%. When opening a higher level treasure chest, the success rate will decrease. However, the success rate will be the same for receiving an item as a reward.
Да 10 1800  Да Да Нет
 Deluxe Chest Key - Grade 8
Opens a level 80~89 treasure chest with a success rate of 100%. When opening a higher level treasure chest, the success rate will decrease. However, the success rate will be the same for receiving an item as a reward.
Да 10 2400  Да Да Нет
 Key of Thief
Да 10 1000  Да Нет Нет