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Профессия: Treasure Hunter
  Профессия: Treasure Hunter

  Уровень Название Уровень скилла MP HP Требуется SP Описание
40 Unlock 6 35 0 35000 Opens level 1 doors at 100% probability and opens level 2 doors at 75% probability. Requires 5 Keys of a Thief. Also opens chests.
40 Backstab 1 60 0 12000 Attacks an enemy from behind, inflicting a mortal wound. A critical hit is possible. Instant kill is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 1107.
40 Backstab 2 62 0 12000 Attacks an enemy from behind, inflicting a mortal wound. A critical hit is possible. Instant kill is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 1176.
40 Backstab 3 64 0 12000 Attacks an enemy from behind, inflicting a mortal wound. A critical hit is possible. Instant kill is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 1249.
40 Fake Death 1 0 0 35000 Makes PC play dead and dissuades the enemy from attacking. Continuously consumes MP.
40 Critical Chance 2 0 0 35000 Critical rate increases.
40 Vital Force 3 0 0 35000 Allows quick recovery while one is sitting.
40 Critical Power 3 0 0 35000 Increases the power of a critical attack.
40 Dagger Mastery 9 0 0 12000 Increases P. Atk. when using a dagger.
40 Dagger Mastery 10 0 0 12000 Increases P. Atk. when using a dagger.
40 Dagger Mastery 11 0 0 12000 Increases P. Atk. when using a dagger.
40 Silent Move 1 0 0 35000 Disables preemptive attacks from enemies. Continuously consumes MP.
40 Light Armor Mastery 11 0 0 12000 Increases P. Def. when wearing light armor.
40 Light Armor Mastery 12 0 0 12000 Increases P. Def. when wearing light armor.
40 Light Armor Mastery 13 0 0 12000 Increases P. Def. when wearing light armor.
40 Deadly Blow 1 36 0 12000 Attempts a potentially deadly attack. A Lethal Strike is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 1107.
40 Deadly Blow 2 37 0 12000 Attempts a potentially deadly attack. A Lethal Strike is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 1176.
40 Deadly Blow 3 38 0 12000 Attempts a potentially deadly attack. A Lethal Strike is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 1249.
40 Vicious Stance 6 0 0 35000 Increases ones critical attack power. MP will be consumed continuously.
43 Switch 1 19 0 42000 Throws the enemy into confusion and thereby causes them to change the target of their attack. The target state is removed. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill.
43 Unlock 7 39 0 42000 Opens level 1 doors and level 2 doors at 100% probability and level 3 doors at 5% probability. Requires 6 Keys of a Thief. Also opens chests.
43 Backstab 4 64 0 14000 Attacks an enemy from behind, inflicting a mortal wound. A critical hit is possible. Instant kill is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 1325.
43 Backstab 5 66 0 14000 Attacks an enemy from behind, inflicting a mortal wound. A critical hit is possible. Instant kill is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 1405.
43 Backstab 6 68 0 14000 Attacks an enemy from behind, inflicting a mortal wound. A critical hit is possible. Instant kill is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 1488.
43 Veil 1 19 0 42000 Blurs enemys vision, discouraging aggressive behavior.
43 Quick Step 2 0 0 42000 Moving speed increases.
43 Esprit 2 0 0 42000 Increases HP/MP regeneration while running.
43 Dagger Mastery 12 0 0 14000 Increases P. Atk. when using a dagger.
43 Dagger Mastery 13 0 0 14000 Increases P. Atk. when using a dagger.
43 Dagger Mastery 14 0 0 14000 Increases P. Atk. when using a dagger.
43 Acrobatic Move 2 0 0 42000 Dodging abilities increase when running.
43 Light Armor Mastery 14 0 0 14000 Increases P. Def. when wearing light armor.
43 Light Armor Mastery 15 0 0 14000 Increases P. Def. when wearing light armor.
43 Light Armor Mastery 16 0 0 14000 Increases P. Def. when wearing light armor.
43 Deadly Blow 4 38 0 14000 Attempts a potentially deadly attack. A Lethal Strike is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 1325.
43 Deadly Blow 5 40 0 14000 Attempts a potentially deadly attack. A Lethal Strike is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 1405.
43 Deadly Blow 6 41 0 14000 Attempts a potentially deadly attack. A Lethal Strike is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 1488.
43 Vicious Stance 7 0 0 42000 Increases ones critical attack power. MP will be consumed continuously.
46 Dash 2 21 0 43000 Temporary burst of speed. Effect 2.
46 Switch 2 21 0 43000 Throws the enemy into confusion and thereby causes them to change the target of their attack. The target state is removed. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill.
46 Unlock 8 43 0 43000 Opens level 1 doors and level 2 doors at 100% probability and level 3 doors at 30% probability. Requires 7 Keys of a Thief. Also opens chests.
46 Backstab 7 70 0 14000 Attacks an enemy from behind, inflicting a mortal wound. A critical hit is possible. Instant kill is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 1574.
46 Backstab 8 72 0 14000 Attacks an enemy from behind, inflicting a mortal wound. A critical hit is possible. Instant kill is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 1664.
46 Backstab 9 74 0 14000 Attacks an enemy from behind, inflicting a mortal wound. A critical hit is possible. Instant kill is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 1757.
46 Veil 2 21 0 43000 Blurs enemys vision, discouraging aggressive behavior.
46 Vital Force 4 0 0 43000 Allows quick recovery while one is sitting.
46 Boost Attack Speed 2 0 0 43000 Attack speed increases.
46 Esprit 3 0 0 43000 Increases HP/MP regeneration while running.
46 Boost Evasion 2 0 0 43000 Increase evasion.
46 Dagger Mastery 15 0 0 14000 Increases P. Atk. when using a dagger.
46 Dagger Mastery 16 0 0 14000 Increases P. Atk. when using a dagger.
46 Dagger Mastery 17 0 0 14000 Increases P. Atk. when using a dagger.
46 Light Armor Mastery 17 0 0 14000 Increases P. Def. when wearing light armor.
46 Light Armor Mastery 18 0 0 14000 Increases P. Def. when wearing light armor.
46 Light Armor Mastery 19 0 0 14000 Increases P. Def. when wearing light armor.
46 Deadly Blow 7 42 0 14000 Attempts a potentially deadly attack. A Lethal Strike is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 1574.
46 Deadly Blow 8 43 0 14000 Attempts a potentially deadly attack. A Lethal Strike is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 1664.
46 Deadly Blow 9 44 0 14000 Attempts a potentially deadly attack. A Lethal Strike is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 1757.
46 Vicious Stance 8 0 0 43000 Increases ones critical attack power. MP will be consumed continuously.
46 Summon Treasure Key 1 0 0 43000 Summons Treasure Chest Keys. Summons 2-3 keys between grades 3 and 5. Consumes 2 Thief Keys.
49 Trick 1 22 0 89000 Takes away the enemys will to attack and removes the enemys target state. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill.
49 Switch 3 22 0 89000 Throws the enemy into confusion and thereby causes them to change the target of their attack. The target state is removed. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill.
49 Backstab 10 76 0 30000 Attacks an enemy from behind, inflicting a mortal wound. A critical hit is possible. Instant kill is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 1853.
49 Backstab 11 78 0 30000 Attacks an enemy from behind, inflicting a mortal wound. A critical hit is possible. Instant kill is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 1953.
49 Backstab 12 80 0 30000 Attacks an enemy from behind, inflicting a mortal wound. A critical hit is possible. Instant kill is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 2057.
49 Bleed 3 67 0 89000 Inflicts a serious wound that causes the enemy to bleed momentarily. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Effect 5.
49 Veil 3 22 0 89000 Blurs enemys vision, discouraging aggressive behavior.
49 Critical Chance 3 0 0 89000 Critical rate increases.
49 Esprit 4 0 0 89000 Increases HP/MP regeneration while running.
49 Dagger Mastery 18 0 0 30000 Increases P. Atk. when using a dagger.
49 Dagger Mastery 19 0 0 30000 Increases P. Atk. when using a dagger.
49 Dagger Mastery 20 0 0 30000 Increases P. Atk. when using a dagger.
49 Light Armor Mastery 20 0 0 30000 Increases P. Def. when wearing light armor.
49 Light Armor Mastery 21 0 0 30000 Increases P. Def. when wearing light armor.
49 Light Armor Mastery 22 0 0 30000 Increases P. Def. when wearing light armor.
49 Deadly Blow 10 46 0 30000 Attempts a potentially deadly attack. A Lethal Strike is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 1853.
49 Deadly Blow 11 47 0 30000 Attempts a potentially deadly attack. A Lethal Strike is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 1953.
49 Deadly Blow 12 48 0 30000 Attempts a potentially deadly attack. A Lethal Strike is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 2057.
49 Vicious Stance 9 0 0 89000 Increases ones critical attack power. MP will be consumed continuously.
52 Trick 2 24 0 115000 Takes away the enemys will to attack and removes the enemys target state. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill.
52 Switch 4 24 0 115000 Throws the enemy into confusion and thereby causes them to change the target of their attack. The target state is removed. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill.
52 Unlock 9 47 0 115000 Opens level 1 doors and level 2 doors at 100% probability and level 3 doors at 75% probability. Requires 8 Keys of a Thief. Also opens chests.
52 Backstab 13 82 0 38000 Attacks an enemy from behind, inflicting a mortal wound. A critical hit is possible. Instant kill is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 2164.
52 Backstab 14 82 0 38000 Attacks an enemy from behind, inflicting a mortal wound. A critical hit is possible. Instant kill is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 2274.
52 Backstab 15 84 0 38000 Attacks an enemy from behind, inflicting a mortal wound. A critical hit is possible. Instant kill is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 2388.
52 Lure 1 44 0 115000 Quietly lures an enemy.
52 Veil 4 24 0 115000 Blurs enemys vision, discouraging aggressive behavior.
52 Vital Force 5 0 0 115000 Allows quick recovery while one is sitting.
52 Esprit 5 0 0 115000 Increases HP/MP regeneration while running.
52 Critical Power 4 0 0 115000 Increases the power of a critical attack.
52 Dagger Mastery 21 0 0 38000 Increases P. Atk. when using a dagger.
52 Dagger Mastery 22 0 0 38000 Increases P. Atk. when using a dagger.
52 Dagger Mastery 23 0 0 38000 Increases P. Atk. when using a dagger.
52 Light Armor Mastery 23 0 0 38000 Increases P. Def. when wearing light armor.
52 Light Armor Mastery 24 0 0 38000 Increases P. Def. when wearing light armor.
52 Light Armor Mastery 25 0 0 38000 Increases P. Def. when wearing light armor.
52 Deadly Blow 13 50 0 38000 Attempts a potentially deadly attack. A Lethal Strike is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 2164.
52 Deadly Blow 14 50 0 38000 Attempts a potentially deadly attack. A Lethal Strike is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 2274.
52 Deadly Blow 15 51 0 38000 Attempts a potentially deadly attack. A Lethal Strike is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 2388.
52 Vicious Stance 10 0 0 115000 Increases ones critical attack power. MP will be consumed continuously.
55 Trick 3 25 0 147000 Takes away the enemys will to attack and removes the enemys target state. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill.
55 Switch 5 25 0 147000 Throws the enemy into confusion and thereby causes them to change the target of their attack. The target state is removed. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill.
55 Unlock 10 51 0 147000 Opens level 1 doors, level 2 doors, and level 3 door at 100% probability. Requires 10 Keys of a Thief. Also opens chests.
55 Backstab 16 87 0 49000 Attacks an enemy from behind, inflicting a mortal wound. A critical hit is possible. Instant kill is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 2505.
55 Backstab 17 89 0 49000 Attacks an enemy from behind, inflicting a mortal wound. A critical hit is possible. Instant kill is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 2625.
55 Backstab 18 91 0 49000 Attacks an enemy from behind, inflicting a mortal wound. A critical hit is possible. Instant kill is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 2748.
55 Veil 5 25 0 147000 Blurs enemys vision, discouraging aggressive behavior.
55 Ultimate Evasion 2 25 0 147000 Significantly increases Evasion and resistance to buff-lifting attacks. Effect 2.
55 Acrobatics 2 0 0 147000 Reduces falling damage.
55 Breath Boost 2 0 0 147000 Increases lung capacity.
55 Dagger Mastery 24 0 0 49000 Increases P. Atk. when using a dagger.
55 Dagger Mastery 25 0 0 49000 Increases P. Atk. when using a dagger.
55 Dagger Mastery 26 0 0 49000 Increases P. Atk. when using a dagger.
55 Acrobatic Move 3 0 0 147000 Dodging abilities increase when running.
55 Light Armor Mastery 26 0 0 49000 Increases P. Def. when wearing light armor.
55 Light Armor Mastery 27 0 0 49000 Increases P. Def. when wearing light armor.
55 Light Armor Mastery 28 0 0 49000 Increases P. Def. when wearing light armor.
55 Deadly Blow 16 52 0 49000 Attempts a potentially deadly attack. A Lethal Strike is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 2505.
55 Deadly Blow 17 53 0 49000 Attempts a potentially deadly attack. A Lethal Strike is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 2625.
55 Deadly Blow 18 55 0 49000 Attempts a potentially deadly attack. A Lethal Strike is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 2748.
55 Vicious Stance 11 0 0 147000 Increases ones critical attack power. MP will be consumed continuously.
55 Critical Blow 1 55 0 147000 With an increased chance of success, you attempt an extremely deadly attack on your foes. A Lethal Strike is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 1832. Effect 1.
55 Sand Bomb 1 25 0 147000 Explodes a cloud of sand onto your enemies and instantly reduces their line of sight (Accuracy making them look like utter buffoons. Effect 1.
58 Trick 4 27 0 150000 Takes away the enemys will to attack and removes the enemys target state. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill.
58 Switch 6 27 0 150000 Throws the enemy into confusion and thereby causes them to change the target of their attack. The target state is removed. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill.
58 Backstab 19 93 0 50000 Attacks an enemy from behind, inflicting a mortal wound. A critical hit is possible. Instant kill is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 2875.
58 Backstab 20 95 0 50000 Attacks an enemy from behind, inflicting a mortal wound. A critical hit is possible. Instant kill is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 3004.
58 Backstab 21 97 0 50000 Attacks an enemy from behind, inflicting a mortal wound. A critical hit is possible. Instant kill is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 3136.
58 Bleed 4 81 0 150000 Inflicts a serious wound that causes the enemy to bleed momentarily. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Effect 6.
58 Veil 6 27 0 150000 Blurs enemys vision, discouraging aggressive behavior.
58 Vital Force 6 0 0 150000 Allows quick recovery while one is sitting.
58 Boost Attack Speed 3 0 0 150000 Attack speed increases.
58 Boost Evasion 3 0 0 150000 Increase evasion.
58 Dagger Mastery 27 0 0 50000 Increases P. Atk. when using a dagger.
58 Dagger Mastery 28 0 0 50000 Increases P. Atk. when using a dagger.
58 Dagger Mastery 29 0 0 50000 Increases P. Atk. when using a dagger.
58 Light Armor Mastery 29 0 0 50000 Increases P. Def. when wearing light armor.
58 Light Armor Mastery 30 0 0 50000 Increases P. Def. when wearing light armor.
58 Light Armor Mastery 31 0 0 50000 Increases P. Def. when wearing light armor.
58 Deadly Blow 19 56 0 50000 Attempts a potentially deadly attack. A Lethal Strike is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 2875.
58 Deadly Blow 20 57 0 50000 Attempts a potentially deadly attack. A Lethal Strike is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 3004.
58 Deadly Blow 21 58 0 50000 Attempts a potentially deadly attack. A Lethal Strike is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 3136.
58 Vicious Stance 12 0 0 150000 Increases ones critical attack power. MP will be consumed continuously.
58 Critical Blow 2 59 0 150000 With an increased chance of success, you attempt an extremely deadly attack on your foes. A Lethal Strike is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 2091. Effect 1.
58 Stealth 1 27 0 150000 You use the shadows, coverings and or your keen senses to temporarily avoid monsters initial strikes. While in effect, your fighting ability significantly decreases.
58 Sand Bomb 2 27 0 150000 Explodes a cloud of sand onto your enemies and instantly reduces their line of sight (Accuracy making them look like utter buffoons. Effect 1.
58 Summon Treasure Key 2 0 0 150000 Summons Treasure Chest Keys. Summons 2-3 keys between grades 4 and 6. Consumes 3 Thief Keys.
60 Trick 5 28 0 264000 Takes away the enemys will to attack and removes the enemys target state. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill.
60 Switch 7 28 0 264000 Throws the enemy into confusion and thereby causes them to change the target of their attack. The target state is removed. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill.
60 Unlock 11 55 0 264000 Opens level 1 doors, level 2 doors, and level 3 door at 100% probability. Requires 11 Keys of a Thief. Also opens chests.
60 Backstab 22 99 0 132000 Attacks an enemy from behind, inflicting a mortal wound. A critical hit is possible. Instant kill is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 3271.
60 Backstab 23 101 0 132000 Attacks an enemy from behind, inflicting a mortal wound. A critical hit is possible. Instant kill is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 3408.
60 Veil 7 28 0 264000 Blurs enemys vision, discouraging aggressive behavior.
60 Dagger Mastery 30 0 0 132000 Increases P. Atk. when using a dagger.
60 Dagger Mastery 31 0 0 132000 Increases P. Atk. when using a dagger.
60 Light Armor Mastery 32 0 0 132000 Increases P. Def. when wearing light armor.
60 Light Armor Mastery 33 0 0 132000 Increases P. Def. when wearing light armor.
60 Deadly Blow 22 60 0 132000 Attempts a potentially deadly attack. A Lethal Strike is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 3271.
60 Deadly Blow 23 61 0 132000 Attempts a potentially deadly attack. A Lethal Strike is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 3408.
60 Vicious Stance 13 0 0 264000 Increases ones critical attack power. MP will be consumed continuously.
60 Critical Blow 3 62 0 264000 With an increased chance of success, you attempt an extremely deadly attack on your foes. A Lethal Strike is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 2272. Effect 1.
60 Sand Bomb 3 28 0 264000 Explodes a cloud of sand onto your enemies and instantly reduces their line of sight (Accuracy making them look like utter buffoons. Effect 1.
60 Escape Shackle 1 60 0 242000 Персонаж снимает с себя рут
62 Trick 6 29 0 360000 Takes away the enemys will to attack and removes the enemys target state. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill.
62 Switch 8 29 0 360000 Throws the enemy into confusion and thereby causes them to change the target of their attack. The target state is removed. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill.
62 Backstab 24 101 0 180000 Attacks an enemy from behind, inflicting a mortal wound. A critical hit is possible. Instant kill is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 3548.
62 Backstab 25 103 0 180000 Attacks an enemy from behind, inflicting a mortal wound. A critical hit is possible. Instant kill is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 3690.
62 Veil 8 29 0 360000 Blurs enemys vision, discouraging aggressive behavior.
62 Esprit 6 0 0 360000 Increases HP/MP regeneration while running.
62 Dagger Mastery 32 0 0 180000 Increases P. Atk. when using a dagger.
62 Dagger Mastery 33 0 0 180000 Increases P. Atk. when using a dagger.
62 Light Armor Mastery 34 0 0 180000 Increases P. Def. when wearing light armor.
62 Light Armor Mastery 35 0 0 180000 Increases P. Def. when wearing light armor.
62 Deadly Blow 24 61 0 180000 Attempts a potentially deadly attack. A Lethal Strike is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 3548.
62 Deadly Blow 25 62 0 180000 Attempts a potentially deadly attack. A Lethal Strike is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 3690.
62 Vicious Stance 14 0 0 360000 Increases ones critical attack power. MP will be consumed continuously.
62 Critical Blow 4 63 0 360000 With an increased chance of success, you attempt an extremely deadly attack on your foes. A Lethal Strike is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 2460. Effect 2.
62 Sand Bomb 4 29 0 360000 Explodes a cloud of sand onto your enemies and instantly reduces their line of sight (Accuracy making them look like utter buffoons. Effect 1.
62 Break Hold 1 0 0 0 mp? sp? Removes rooted status.
64 Trick 7 30 0 370000 Takes away the enemys will to attack and removes the enemys target state. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill.
64 Switch 9 30 0 370000 Throws the enemy into confusion and thereby causes them to change the target of their attack. The target state is removed. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill.
64 Unlock 12 59 0 370000 Opens level 1 doors, level 2 doors, and level 3 door at 100% probability. Requires 13 Keys of a Thief. Also opens chests.
64 Backstab 26 105 0 180000 Attacks an enemy from behind, inflicting a mortal wound. A critical hit is possible. Instant kill is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 3834.
64 Backstab 27 107 0 180000 Attacks an enemy from behind, inflicting a mortal wound. A critical hit is possible. Instant kill is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 3980.
64 Veil 9 30 0 370000 Blurs enemys vision, discouraging aggressive behavior.
64 Vital Force 7 0 0 370000 Allows quick recovery while one is sitting.
64 Critical Power 5 0 0 370000 Increases the power of a critical attack.
64 Dagger Mastery 34 0 0 180000 Increases P. Atk. when using a dagger.
64 Dagger Mastery 35 0 0 180000 Increases P. Atk. when using a dagger.
64 Light Armor Mastery 36 0 0 180000 Increases P. Def. when wearing light armor.
64 Light Armor Mastery 37 0 0 180000 Increases P. Def. when wearing light armor.
64 Deadly Blow 26 63 0 180000 Attempts a potentially deadly attack. A Lethal Strike is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 3834.
64 Deadly Blow 27 65 0 180000 Attempts a potentially deadly attack. A Lethal Strike is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 3980.
64 Vicious Stance 15 0 0 370000 Increases ones critical attack power. MP will be consumed continuously.
64 Critical Blow 5 66 0 370000 With an increased chance of success, you attempt an extremely deadly attack on your foes. A Lethal Strike is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 2653. Effect 2.
64 Sand Bomb 5 30 0 370000 Explodes a cloud of sand onto your enemies and instantly reduces their line of sight (Accuracy making them look like utter buffoons. Effect 1.
66 Trick 8 31 0 540000 Takes away the enemys will to attack and removes the enemys target state. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill.
66 Switch 10 31 0 540000 Throws the enemy into confusion and thereby causes them to change the target of their attack. The target state is removed. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill.
66 Backstab 28 109 0 270000 Attacks an enemy from behind, inflicting a mortal wound. A critical hit is possible. Instant kill is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 4127.
66 Backstab 29 111 0 270000 Attacks an enemy from behind, inflicting a mortal wound. A critical hit is possible. Instant kill is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 4275.
66 Bleed 5 93 0 540000 Inflicts a serious wound that causes the enemy to bleed momentarily. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Effect 7.
66 Veil 10 31 0 540000 Blurs enemys vision, discouraging aggressive behavior.
66 Dagger Mastery 36 0 0 270000 Increases P. Atk. when using a dagger.
66 Dagger Mastery 37 0 0 270000 Increases P. Atk. when using a dagger.
66 Light Armor Mastery 38 0 0 270000 Increases P. Def. when wearing light armor.
66 Light Armor Mastery 39 0 0 270000 Increases P. Def. when wearing light armor.
66 Deadly Blow 28 66 0 270000 Attempts a potentially deadly attack. A Lethal Strike is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 4127.
66 Deadly Blow 29 67 0 270000 Attempts a potentially deadly attack. A Lethal Strike is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 4275.
66 Vicious Stance 16 0 0 540000 Increases ones critical attack power. MP will be consumed continuously.
66 Critical Blow 6 68 0 540000 With an increased chance of success, you attempt an extremely deadly attack on your foes. A Lethal Strike is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 2850. Effect 3.
66 Stealth 2 31 0 540000 You use the shadows, coverings and or your keen senses to temporarily avoid monsters initial strikes. While in effect, your fighting ability significantly decreases.
66 Sand Bomb 6 31 0 540000 Explodes a cloud of sand onto your enemies and instantly reduces their line of sight (Accuracy making them look like utter buffoons. Effect 2.
66 Summon Treasure Key 3 0 0 540000 Summons Treasure Chest Keys. Summons 2-3 keys between grades 5 and 7. Consumes 4 Thief Keys.
68 Trick 9 32 0 650000 Takes away the enemys will to attack and removes the enemys target state. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill.
68 Switch 11 32 0 650000 Throws the enemy into confusion and thereby causes them to change the target of their attack. The target state is removed. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill.
68 Unlock 13 63 0 650000 Opens level 1 doors, level 2 doors, and level 3 door at 100% probability. Requires 15 Keys of a Thief. Also opens chests.
68 Backstab 30 113 0 330000 Attacks an enemy from behind, inflicting a mortal wound. A critical hit is possible. Instant kill is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 4425.
68 Backstab 31 115 0 330000 Attacks an enemy from behind, inflicting a mortal wound. A critical hit is possible. Instant kill is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 4575.
68 Veil 11 32 0 650000 Blurs enemys vision, discouraging aggressive behavior.
68 Esprit 7 0 0 650000 Increases HP/MP regeneration while running.
68 Dagger Mastery 38 0 0 330000 Increases P. Atk. when using a dagger.
68 Dagger Mastery 39 0 0 330000 Increases P. Atk. when using a dagger.
68 Light Armor Mastery 40 0 0 330000 Increases P. Def. when wearing light armor.
68 Light Armor Mastery 41 0 0 330000 Increases P. Def. when wearing light armor.
68 Deadly Blow 30 68 0 330000 Attempts a potentially deadly attack. A Lethal Strike is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 4425.
68 Deadly Blow 31 69 0 330000 Attempts a potentially deadly attack. A Lethal Strike is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 4575.
68 Vicious Stance 17 0 0 650000 Increases ones critical attack power. MP will be consumed continuously.
68 Critical Blow 7 70 0 650000 With an increased chance of success, you attempt an extremely deadly attack on your foes. A Lethal Strike is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 3050. Effect 3.
68 Sand Bomb 7 32 0 650000 Explodes a cloud of sand onto your enemies and instantly reduces their line of sight (Accuracy making them look like utter buffoons. Effect 2.
70 Trick 10 33 0 850000 Takes away the enemys will to attack and removes the enemys target state. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill.
70 Switch 12 33 0 850000 Throws the enemy into confusion and thereby causes them to change the target of their attack. The target state is removed. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill.
70 Backstab 32 116 0 420000 Attacks an enemy from behind, inflicting a mortal wound. A critical hit is possible. Instant kill is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 4726.
70 Backstab 33 118 0 420000 Attacks an enemy from behind, inflicting a mortal wound. A critical hit is possible. Instant kill is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 4878.
70 Bleed 6 99 0 850000 Inflicts a serious wound that causes the enemy to bleed momentarily. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Effect 8.
70 Veil 12 33 0 850000 Blurs enemys vision, discouraging aggressive behavior.
70 Dagger Mastery 40 0 0 420000 Increases P. Atk. when using a dagger.
70 Dagger Mastery 41 0 0 420000 Increases P. Atk. when using a dagger.
70 Light Armor Mastery 42 0 0 420000 Increases P. Def. when wearing light armor.
70 Light Armor Mastery 43 0 0 420000 Increases P. Def. when wearing light armor.
70 Deadly Blow 32 70 0 420000 Attempts a potentially deadly attack. A Lethal Strike is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 4726.
70 Deadly Blow 33 71 0 420000 Attempts a potentially deadly attack. A Lethal Strike is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 4878.
70 Vicious Stance 18 0 0 850000 Increases ones critical attack power. MP will be consumed continuously.
70 Critical Blow 8 72 0 850000 With an increased chance of success, you attempt an extremely deadly attack on your foes. A Lethal Strike is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 3252. Effect 4.
70 Sand Bomb 8 33 0 850000 Explodes a cloud of sand onto your enemies and instantly reduces their line of sight (Accuracy making them look like utter buffoons. Effect 2.
72 Trick 11 34 0 920000 Takes away the enemys will to attack and removes the enemys target state. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill.
72 Switch 13 34 0 920000 Throws the enemy into confusion and thereby causes them to change the target of their attack. The target state is removed. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill.
72 Unlock 14 67 0 920000 Opens level 1 doors, level 2 doors, and level 3 door at 100% probability. Requires 17 Keys of a Thief. Also opens chests.
72 Backstab 34 120 0 460000 Attacks an enemy from behind, inflicting a mortal wound. A critical hit is possible. Instant kill is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 5029.
72 Backstab 35 122 0 460000 Attacks an enemy from behind, inflicting a mortal wound. A critical hit is possible. Instant kill is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 5180.
72 Veil 13 34 0 920000 Blurs enemys vision, discouraging aggressive behavior.
72 Vital Force 8 0 0 920000 Allows quick recovery while one is sitting.
72 Critical Power 6 0 0 920000 Increases the power of a critical attack.
72 Dagger Mastery 42 0 0 460000 Increases P. Atk. when using a dagger.
72 Dagger Mastery 43 0 0 460000 Increases P. Atk. when using a dagger.
72 Light Armor Mastery 44 0 0 460000 Increases P. Def. when wearing light armor.
72 Light Armor Mastery 45 0 0 460000 Increases P. Def. when wearing light armor.
72 Deadly Blow 34 72 0 460000 Attempts a potentially deadly attack. A Lethal Strike is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 5029.
72 Deadly Blow 35 73 0 460000 Attempts a potentially deadly attack. A Lethal Strike is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 5180.
72 Vicious Stance 19 0 0 920000 Increases ones critical attack power. MP will be consumed continuously.
72 Critical Blow 9 74 0 920000 With an increased chance of success, you attempt an extremely deadly attack on your foes. A Lethal Strike is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 3453. Effect 4.
72 Sand Bomb 9 34 0 920000 Explodes a cloud of sand onto your enemies and instantly reduces their line of sight (Accuracy making them look like utter buffoons. Effect 2.
74 Trick 12 34 0 2000000 Takes away the enemys will to attack and removes the enemys target state. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill.
74 Switch 14 34 0 2000000 Throws the enemy into confusion and thereby causes them to change the target of their attack. The target state is removed. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill.
74 Backstab 36 123 0 1000000 Attacks an enemy from behind, inflicting a mortal wound. A critical hit is possible. Instant kill is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 5330.
74 Backstab 37 125 0 1000000 Attacks an enemy from behind, inflicting a mortal wound. A critical hit is possible. Instant kill is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 5479.
74 Veil 14 34 0 2000000 Blurs enemys vision, discouraging aggressive behavior.
74 Esprit 8 0 0 2000000 Increases HP/MP regeneration while running.
74 Dagger Mastery 44 0 0 1000000 Increases P. Atk. when using a dagger.
74 Dagger Mastery 45 0 0 1000000 Increases P. Atk. when using a dagger.
74 Light Armor Mastery 46 0 0 1000000 Increases P. Def. when wearing light armor.
74 Light Armor Mastery 47 0 0 1000000 Increases P. Def. when wearing light armor.
74 Deadly Blow 36 74 0 1000000 Attempts a potentially deadly attack. A Lethal Strike is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 5330.
74 Deadly Blow 37 75 0 1000000 Attempts a potentially deadly attack. A Lethal Strike is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 5479.
74 Vicious Stance 20 0 0 2000000 Increases ones critical attack power. MP will be consumed continuously.
74 Critical Blow 10 76 0 2000000 With an increased chance of success, you attempt an extremely deadly attack on your foes. A Lethal Strike is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 3653. Effect 5.
74 Stealth 3 34 0 2000000 You use the shadows, coverings and or your keen senses to temporarily avoid monsters initial strikes. While in effect, your fighting ability significantly decreases.
74 Sand Bomb 10 34 0 2000000 Explodes a cloud of sand onto your enemies and instantly reduces their line of sight (Accuracy making them look like utter buffoons. Effect 3.
74 Summon Treasure Key 4 0 0 2000000 Summons Treasure Chest Keys. Summons 2-3 keys between grades 6 and 8. Consumes 6 Thief Keys.