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  Название Кипа Вес Цена
 Deluxe Chest Key - Grade 6
Opens a level 60~69 treasure chest with a success rate of 100%. When opening a higher level treasure chest, the success rate will decrease. However, the success rate will be the same for receiving an item as a reward.
Нет 10 1200 
Имя Уровень Количество Шанс
 Forbidden Path Invader Elite Soldier 63 3 - 9 42.3888% 
 Forbidden Path Invader Elite Soldier 60 3 - 9 38.1615% 
 Malruk Lord 68 1 1/19 
 Hound Dog of Hallate 63 1 1/23 
 Hallate's Maid 66 1 1/24 
 Platinum Tribe Archer 68 1 1/24 
 Lesser Giant Scout 63 1 1/26 
 Malruk Soldier 63 1 1/33 
 Lesser Giant Shooter 63 1 1/38 
 Ghastly Warrior 61 1 1/38 
 Crown of Splendor 66 1 1/41 
 Needle Stakato Soldier 72 1 1/50 
 Splinter Stakato 66 1 1/53 
 Victory of Splendor 64 1 1/54 
 Hames Orc Scout 68 1 1/59 
 Sacrificed Man 67 1 1/60 
 Flash of Splendor 61 1 1/65 
 Forbidden Path Invader Food 60 1 1/70 
 Resurrected Knight 63 1 1/75 
 Doom Warrior 64 1 1/85 
Имя Уровень Количество Шанс
 Forbidden Path Invader Elite Soldier 63 1 - 3 86.1023% 
 Forbidden Path Invader Elite Soldier 60 1 - 3 77.5155% 