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 Recipe: Sword of Miracles(60%)
For Dwarves only. The recipe for a Sword of Miracles. Requires Create Item - Skill Level 8. The success rate is 60%.
30 540000 
Имя Уровень Количество Шанс
 Bone Grinder 70 1 1/14531 
 Skull Collector 67 1 1/17477 
 Skull Animator 68 1 1/18521 
 Slaughter Executioner 65 1 1/21312 
 Slaughter Executioner 65 1 1/21841 
 Splinter Stakato 66 1 1/23918 
 Bone Grinder 70 1 1/25721 
Имя Уровень Количество Шанс
 Homunculus 73 1 1/364 
 Dark Omen Invader Warrior 73 1 1/441 
 Dark Omen Invader Priest 70 1 1/596 
 Bone Slayer 68 1 1/652 
 Bone Sweeper 69 1 1/770 
 Bone Caster 71 1 1/776 
 Alpen Cougar 69 1 1/1144 
 Sword of Miracles 60%
 Sword of Miracles 60%
 Sword of Miracles 60%
 Sword of Miracles 60%
 Sword of Miracles 60%
 Sword of Miracles 60%
 Sword of Miracles 60%
 Sword of Miracles 60%
 Sword of Miracles 60%