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Профессия: Abyss Walker
  Профессия: Abyss Walker

  Уровень Название Уровень скилла MP HP Требуется SP Описание
40 Confusion 5 14 0 28000 Throws the enemy into confusion and gets them to change the target of their attack.
40 Unlock 6 35 0 28000 Opens level 1 doors at 100% probability and opens level 2 doors at 75% probability. Requires 5 Keys of a Thief. Also opens chests.
40 Backstab 1 60 0 9300 Attacks an enemy from behind, inflicting a mortal wound. A critical hit is possible. Instant kill is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 1107.
40 Backstab 2 62 0 9300 Attacks an enemy from behind, inflicting a mortal wound. A critical hit is possible. Instant kill is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 1176.
40 Backstab 3 64 0 9300 Attacks an enemy from behind, inflicting a mortal wound. A critical hit is possible. Instant kill is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 1249.
40 Drain Health 17 19 0 9300 Transfers HP from an opponent to yourself. Power 49.
40 Drain Health 18 19 0 9300 Transfers HP from an opponent to yourself. Power 50.
40 Drain Health 19 20 0 9300 Transfers HP from an opponent to yourself. Power 52.
40 Freezing Strike 3 27 0 14000 Freezes target area, instantly reducing enemys speed. Power 30. Effect 2.
40 Freezing Strike 4 28 0 14000 Freezes target area, instantly reducing enemys speed. Power 31. Effect 2.
40 Power Break 3 14 0 28000 Instantly reduces enemys P. Atk Effect 3.
40 Hex 1 14 0 28000 Instantly decreases enemys P. Def. Effect 3.
40 Critical Power 3 0 0 28000 Increases the power of a critical attack.
40 Dagger Mastery 9 0 0 9300 Increases P. Atk. when using a dagger.
40 Dagger Mastery 10 0 0 9300 Increases P. Atk. when using a dagger.
40 Dagger Mastery 11 0 0 9300 Increases P. Atk. when using a dagger.
40 Silent Move 1 0 0 28000 Disables preemptive attacks from enemies. Continuously consumes MP.
40 Sting 13 40 0 9300 Inflict an injury by aiming at a weak spot and applying damage. Inflicts a serious wound that causes the enemy to bleed momentarily. An equipped sword, dagger or dual-sword weapon is required to use this skill. Over-hit possible. Power 123. Effect 4.
40 Sting 14 41 0 9300 Inflict an injury by aiming at a weak spot and applying damage. Inflicts a serious wound that causes the enemy to bleed momentarily. An equipped sword, dagger or dual-sword weapon is required to use this skill. Over-hit possible. Power 131. Effect 4.
40 Sting 15 43 0 9300 Inflict an injury by aiming at a weak spot and applying damage. Inflicts a serious wound that causes the enemy to bleed momentarily. An equipped sword, dagger or dual-sword weapon is required to use this skill. Over-hit possible. Power 139. Effect 5.
40 Light Armor Mastery 11 0 0 9300 Increases P. Def. when wearing light armor.
40 Light Armor Mastery 12 0 0 9300 Increases P. Def. when wearing light armor.
40 Light Armor Mastery 13 0 0 9300 Increases P. Def. when wearing light armor.
40 Deadly Blow 1 36 0 9300 Attempts a potentially deadly attack. A Lethal Strike is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 1107.
40 Deadly Blow 2 37 0 9300 Attempts a potentially deadly attack. A Lethal Strike is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 1176.
40 Deadly Blow 3 38 0 9300 Attempts a potentially deadly attack. A Lethal Strike is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 1249.
40 Vicious Stance 6 0 0 28000 Increases ones critical attack power. MP will be consumed continuously.
43 Confusion 6 15 0 29000 Throws the enemy into confusion and gets them to change the target of their attack.
43 Unlock 7 39 0 29000 Opens level 1 doors and level 2 doors at 100% probability and level 3 doors at 5% probability. Requires 6 Keys of a Thief. Also opens chests.
43 Backstab 4 64 0 9600 Attacks an enemy from behind, inflicting a mortal wound. A critical hit is possible. Instant kill is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 1325.
43 Backstab 5 66 0 9600 Attacks an enemy from behind, inflicting a mortal wound. A critical hit is possible. Instant kill is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 1405.
43 Backstab 6 68 0 9600 Attacks an enemy from behind, inflicting a mortal wound. A critical hit is possible. Instant kill is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 1488.
43 Drain Health 20 20 0 9600 Transfers HP from an opponent to yourself. Power 53.
43 Drain Health 21 21 0 9600 Transfers HP from an opponent to yourself. Power 55.
43 Drain Health 22 21 0 9600 Transfers HP from an opponent to yourself. Power 57.
43 Freezing Strike 5 30 0 14000 Freezes target area, instantly reducing enemys speed. Power 33. Effect 2.
43 Freezing Strike 6 30 0 14000 Freezes target area, instantly reducing enemys speed. Power 34. Effect 2.
43 Veil 1 19 0 29000 Blurs enemys vision, discouraging aggressive behavior.
43 Power Break 4 15 0 29000 Instantly reduces enemys P. Atk Effect 3.
43 Hex 2 15 0 29000 Instantly decreases enemys P. Def. Effect 3.
43 Quick Step 2 0 0 29000 Moving speed increases.
43 Esprit 2 0 0 29000 Increases HP/MP regeneration while running.
43 Dagger Mastery 12 0 0 9600 Increases P. Atk. when using a dagger.
43 Dagger Mastery 13 0 0 9600 Increases P. Atk. when using a dagger.
43 Dagger Mastery 14 0 0 9600 Increases P. Atk. when using a dagger.
43 Sting 16 43 0 9600 Inflict an injury by aiming at a weak spot and applying damage. Inflicts a serious wound that causes the enemy to bleed momentarily. An equipped sword, dagger or dual-sword weapon is required to use this skill. Over-hit possible. Power 148. Effect 5.
43 Sting 17 44 0 9600 Inflict an injury by aiming at a weak spot and applying damage. Inflicts a serious wound that causes the enemy to bleed momentarily. An equipped sword, dagger or dual-sword weapon is required to use this skill. Over-hit possible. Power 157. Effect 5.
43 Sting 18 45 0 9600 Inflict an injury by aiming at a weak spot and applying damage. Inflicts a serious wound that causes the enemy to bleed momentarily. An equipped sword, dagger or dual-sword weapon is required to use this skill. Over-hit possible. Power 166. Effect 5.
43 Acrobatic Move 2 0 0 29000 Dodging abilities increase when running.
43 Light Armor Mastery 14 0 0 9600 Increases P. Def. when wearing light armor.
43 Light Armor Mastery 15 0 0 9600 Increases P. Def. when wearing light armor.
43 Light Armor Mastery 16 0 0 9600 Increases P. Def. when wearing light armor.
43 Deadly Blow 4 38 0 9600 Attempts a potentially deadly attack. A Lethal Strike is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 1325.
43 Deadly Blow 5 40 0 9600 Attempts a potentially deadly attack. A Lethal Strike is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 1405.
43 Deadly Blow 6 41 0 9600 Attempts a potentially deadly attack. A Lethal Strike is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 1488.
43 Vicious Stance 7 0 0 29000 Increases ones critical attack power. MP will be consumed continuously.
46 Confusion 7 17 0 38000 Throws the enemy into confusion and gets them to change the target of their attack.
46 Unlock 8 43 0 38000 Opens level 1 doors and level 2 doors at 100% probability and level 3 doors at 30% probability. Requires 7 Keys of a Thief. Also opens chests.
46 Backstab 7 70 0 13000 Attacks an enemy from behind, inflicting a mortal wound. A critical hit is possible. Instant kill is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 1574.
46 Backstab 8 72 0 13000 Attacks an enemy from behind, inflicting a mortal wound. A critical hit is possible. Instant kill is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 1664.
46 Backstab 9 74 0 13000 Attacks an enemy from behind, inflicting a mortal wound. A critical hit is possible. Instant kill is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 1757.
46 Drain Health 23 22 0 13000 Transfers HP from an opponent to yourself. Power 58.
46 Drain Health 24 23 0 13000 Transfers HP from an opponent to yourself. Power 60.
46 Drain Health 25 23 0 13000 Transfers HP from an opponent to yourself. Power 61.
46 Freezing Strike 7 32 0 19000 Freezes target area, instantly reducing enemys speed. Power 36. Effect 2.
46 Freezing Strike 8 33 0 19000 Freezes target area, instantly reducing enemys speed. Power 37. Effect 2.
46 Veil 2 21 0 38000 Blurs enemys vision, discouraging aggressive behavior.
46 Power Break 5 17 0 38000 Instantly reduces enemys P. Atk Effect 3.
46 Hex 3 17 0 38000 Instantly decreases enemys P. Def. Effect 3.
46 Esprit 3 0 0 38000 Increases HP/MP regeneration while running.
46 Boost Evasion 2 0 0 38000 Increase evasion.
46 Dagger Mastery 15 0 0 13000 Increases P. Atk. when using a dagger.
46 Dagger Mastery 16 0 0 13000 Increases P. Atk. when using a dagger.
46 Dagger Mastery 17 0 0 13000 Increases P. Atk. when using a dagger.
46 Sting 19 47 0 13000 Inflict an injury by aiming at a weak spot and applying damage. Inflicts a serious wound that causes the enemy to bleed momentarily. An equipped sword, dagger or dual-sword weapon is required to use this skill. Over-hit possible. Power 175. Effect 5.
46 Sting 20 48 0 13000 Inflict an injury by aiming at a weak spot and applying damage. Inflicts a serious wound that causes the enemy to bleed momentarily. An equipped sword, dagger or dual-sword weapon is required to use this skill. Over-hit possible. Power 185. Effect 5.
46 Sting 21 49 0 13000 Inflict an injury by aiming at a weak spot and applying damage. Inflicts a serious wound that causes the enemy to bleed momentarily. An equipped sword, dagger or dual-sword weapon is required to use this skill. Over-hit possible. Power 196. Effect 5.
46 Light Armor Mastery 17 0 0 13000 Increases P. Def. when wearing light armor.
46 Light Armor Mastery 18 0 0 13000 Increases P. Def. when wearing light armor.
46 Light Armor Mastery 19 0 0 13000 Increases P. Def. when wearing light armor.
46 Deadly Blow 7 42 0 13000 Attempts a potentially deadly attack. A Lethal Strike is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 1574.
46 Deadly Blow 8 43 0 13000 Attempts a potentially deadly attack. A Lethal Strike is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 1664.
46 Deadly Blow 9 44 0 13000 Attempts a potentially deadly attack. A Lethal Strike is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 1757.
46 Vicious Stance 8 0 0 38000 Increases ones critical attack power. MP will be consumed continuously.
46 Summon Treasure Key 1 0 0 38000 Summons Treasure Chest Keys. Summons 2-3 keys between grades 3 and 5. Consumes 2 Thief Keys.
49 Confusion 8 18 0 61000 Throws the enemy into confusion and gets them to change the target of their attack.
49 Trick 1 22 0 61000 Takes away the enemys will to attack and removes the enemys target state. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill.
49 Backstab 10 76 0 20000 Attacks an enemy from behind, inflicting a mortal wound. A critical hit is possible. Instant kill is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 1853.
49 Backstab 11 78 0 20000 Attacks an enemy from behind, inflicting a mortal wound. A critical hit is possible. Instant kill is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 1953.
49 Backstab 12 80 0 20000 Attacks an enemy from behind, inflicting a mortal wound. A critical hit is possible. Instant kill is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 2057.
49 Drain Health 26 24 0 20000 Transfers HP from an opponent to yourself. Power 63.
49 Drain Health 27 24 0 20000 Transfers HP from an opponent to yourself. Power 65.
49 Drain Health 28 25 0 20000 Transfers HP from an opponent to yourself. Power 66.
49 Bleed 3 67 0 61000 Inflicts a serious wound that causes the enemy to bleed momentarily. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Effect 5.
49 Freezing Strike 9 35 0 31000 Freezes target area, instantly reducing enemys speed. Power 39. Effect 2.
49 Freezing Strike 10 35 0 31000 Freezes target area, instantly reducing enemys speed. Power 40. Effect 2.
49 Veil 3 22 0 61000 Blurs enemys vision, discouraging aggressive behavior.
49 Power Break 6 18 0 61000 Instantly reduces enemys P. Atk Effect 3.
49 Hex 4 18 0 61000 Instantly decreases enemys P. Def. Effect 3.
49 Poison 2 18 0 61000 Instantly poisons enemy. Effect 5.
49 Esprit 4 0 0 61000 Increases HP/MP regeneration while running.
49 Dagger Mastery 18 0 0 20000 Increases P. Atk. when using a dagger.
49 Dagger Mastery 19 0 0 20000 Increases P. Atk. when using a dagger.
49 Dagger Mastery 20 0 0 20000 Increases P. Atk. when using a dagger.
49 Sting 22 51 0 20000 Inflict an injury by aiming at a weak spot and applying damage. Inflicts a serious wound that causes the enemy to bleed momentarily. An equipped sword, dagger or dual-sword weapon is required to use this skill. Over-hit possible. Power 206. Effect 5.
49 Sting 23 52 0 20000 Inflict an injury by aiming at a weak spot and applying damage. Inflicts a serious wound that causes the enemy to bleed momentarily. An equipped sword, dagger or dual-sword weapon is required to use this skill. Over-hit possible. Power 217. Effect 5.
49 Sting 24 54 0 20000 Inflict an injury by aiming at a weak spot and applying damage. Inflicts a serious wound that causes the enemy to bleed momentarily. An equipped sword, dagger or dual-sword weapon is required to use this skill. Over-hit possible. Power 229. Effect 5.
49 Light Armor Mastery 20 0 0 20000 Increases P. Def. when wearing light armor.
49 Light Armor Mastery 21 0 0 20000 Increases P. Def. when wearing light armor.
49 Light Armor Mastery 22 0 0 20000 Increases P. Def. when wearing light armor.
49 Deadly Blow 10 46 0 20000 Attempts a potentially deadly attack. A Lethal Strike is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 1853.
49 Deadly Blow 11 47 0 20000 Attempts a potentially deadly attack. A Lethal Strike is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 1953.
49 Deadly Blow 12 48 0 20000 Attempts a potentially deadly attack. A Lethal Strike is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 2057.
49 Vicious Stance 9 0 0 61000 Increases ones critical attack power. MP will be consumed continuously.
52 Confusion 9 19 0 94000 Throws the enemy into confusion and gets them to change the target of their attack.
52 Trick 2 24 0 94000 Takes away the enemys will to attack and removes the enemys target state. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill.
52 Unlock 9 47 0 94000 Opens level 1 doors and level 2 doors at 100% probability and level 3 doors at 75% probability. Requires 8 Keys of a Thief. Also opens chests.
52 Backstab 13 82 0 31000 Attacks an enemy from behind, inflicting a mortal wound. A critical hit is possible. Instant kill is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 2164.
52 Backstab 14 82 0 31000 Attacks an enemy from behind, inflicting a mortal wound. A critical hit is possible. Instant kill is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 2274.
52 Backstab 15 84 0 31000 Attacks an enemy from behind, inflicting a mortal wound. A critical hit is possible. Instant kill is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 2388.
52 Drain Health 29 25 0 31000 Transfers HP from an opponent to yourself. Power 68.
52 Drain Health 30 26 0 31000 Transfers HP from an opponent to yourself. Power 70.
52 Drain Health 31 27 0 31000 Transfers HP from an opponent to yourself. Power 72.
52 Freezing Strike 11 37 0 47000 Freezes target area, instantly reducing enemys speed. Power 42. Effect 2.
52 Freezing Strike 12 38 0 47000 Freezes target area, instantly reducing enemys speed. Power 43. Effect 2.
52 Veil 4 24 0 94000 Blurs enemys vision, discouraging aggressive behavior.
52 Power Break 7 19 0 94000 Instantly reduces enemys P. Atk Effect 3.
52 Hex 5 19 0 94000 Instantly decreases enemys P. Def. Effect 3.
52 Esprit 5 0 0 94000 Increases HP/MP regeneration while running.
52 Critical Power 4 0 0 94000 Increases the power of a critical attack.
52 Dagger Mastery 21 0 0 31000 Increases P. Atk. when using a dagger.
52 Dagger Mastery 22 0 0 31000 Increases P. Atk. when using a dagger.
52 Dagger Mastery 23 0 0 31000 Increases P. Atk. when using a dagger.
52 Sting 25 55 0 31000 Inflict an injury by aiming at a weak spot and applying damage. Inflicts a serious wound that causes the enemy to bleed momentarily. An equipped sword, dagger or dual-sword weapon is required to use this skill. Over-hit possible. Power 241. Effect 6.
52 Sting 26 55 0 31000 Inflict an injury by aiming at a weak spot and applying damage. Inflicts a serious wound that causes the enemy to bleed momentarily. An equipped sword, dagger or dual-sword weapon is required to use this skill. Over-hit possible. Power 253. Effect 6.
52 Sting 27 56 0 31000 Inflict an injury by aiming at a weak spot and applying damage. Inflicts a serious wound that causes the enemy to bleed momentarily. An equipped sword, dagger or dual-sword weapon is required to use this skill. Over-hit possible. Power 266. Effect 6.
52 Light Armor Mastery 23 0 0 31000 Increases P. Def. when wearing light armor.
52 Light Armor Mastery 24 0 0 31000 Increases P. Def. when wearing light armor.
52 Light Armor Mastery 25 0 0 31000 Increases P. Def. when wearing light armor.
52 Deadly Blow 13 50 0 31000 Attempts a potentially deadly attack. A Lethal Strike is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 2164.
52 Deadly Blow 14 50 0 31000 Attempts a potentially deadly attack. A Lethal Strike is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 2274.
52 Deadly Blow 15 51 0 31000 Attempts a potentially deadly attack. A Lethal Strike is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 2388.
52 Vicious Stance 10 0 0 94000 Increases ones critical attack power. MP will be consumed continuously.
55 Confusion 10 20 0 116000 Throws the enemy into confusion and gets them to change the target of their attack.
55 Trick 3 25 0 116000 Takes away the enemys will to attack and removes the enemys target state. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill.
55 Unlock 10 51 0 116000 Opens level 1 doors, level 2 doors, and level 3 door at 100% probability. Requires 10 Keys of a Thief. Also opens chests.
55 Backstab 16 87 0 39000 Attacks an enemy from behind, inflicting a mortal wound. A critical hit is possible. Instant kill is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 2505.
55 Backstab 17 89 0 39000 Attacks an enemy from behind, inflicting a mortal wound. A critical hit is possible. Instant kill is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 2625.
55 Backstab 18 91 0 39000 Attacks an enemy from behind, inflicting a mortal wound. A critical hit is possible. Instant kill is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 2748.
55 Drain Health 32 27 0 39000 Transfers HP from an opponent to yourself. Power 73.
55 Drain Health 33 28 0 39000 Transfers HP from an opponent to yourself. Power 75.
55 Drain Health 34 28 0 39000 Transfers HP from an opponent to yourself. Power 77.
55 Freezing Strike 13 39 0 58000 Freezes target area, instantly reducing enemys speed. Power 45. Effect 2.
55 Freezing Strike 14 40 0 58000 Freezes target area, instantly reducing enemys speed. Power 46. Effect 2.
55 Veil 5 25 0 116000 Blurs enemys vision, discouraging aggressive behavior.
55 Ultimate Evasion 2 25 0 116000 Significantly increases Evasion and resistance to buff-lifting attacks. Effect 2.
55 Power Break 8 20 0 116000 Instantly reduces enemys P. Atk Effect 3.
55 Hex 6 20 0 116000 Instantly decreases enemys P. Def. Effect 3.
55 Acrobatics 2 0 0 116000 Reduces falling damage.
55 Breath Boost 2 0 0 116000 Increases lung capacity.
55 Dagger Mastery 24 0 0 39000 Increases P. Atk. when using a dagger.
55 Dagger Mastery 25 0 0 39000 Increases P. Atk. when using a dagger.
55 Dagger Mastery 26 0 0 39000 Increases P. Atk. when using a dagger.
55 Sting 28 58 0 39000 Inflict an injury by aiming at a weak spot and applying damage. Inflicts a serious wound that causes the enemy to bleed momentarily. An equipped sword, dagger or dual-sword weapon is required to use this skill. Over-hit possible. Power 279. Effect 6.
55 Sting 29 59 0 39000 Inflict an injury by aiming at a weak spot and applying damage. Inflicts a serious wound that causes the enemy to bleed momentarily. An equipped sword, dagger or dual-sword weapon is required to use this skill. Over-hit possible. Power 292. Effect 6.
55 Sting 30 61 0 39000 Inflict an injury by aiming at a weak spot and applying damage. Inflicts a serious wound that causes the enemy to bleed momentarily. An equipped sword, dagger or dual-sword weapon is required to use this skill. Over-hit possible. Power 306. Effect 6.
55 Acrobatic Move 3 0 0 116000 Dodging abilities increase when running.
55 Light Armor Mastery 26 0 0 39000 Increases P. Def. when wearing light armor.
55 Light Armor Mastery 27 0 0 39000 Increases P. Def. when wearing light armor.
55 Light Armor Mastery 28 0 0 39000 Increases P. Def. when wearing light armor.
55 Deadly Blow 16 52 0 39000 Attempts a potentially deadly attack. A Lethal Strike is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 2505.
55 Deadly Blow 17 53 0 39000 Attempts a potentially deadly attack. A Lethal Strike is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 2625.
55 Deadly Blow 18 55 0 39000 Attempts a potentially deadly attack. A Lethal Strike is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 2748.
55 Vicious Stance 11 0 0 116000 Increases ones critical attack power. MP will be consumed continuously.
55 Sand Bomb 1 25 0 116000 Explodes a cloud of sand onto your enemies and instantly reduces their line of sight (Accuracy making them look like utter buffoons. Effect 1.
58 Confusion 11 22 0 126000 Throws the enemy into confusion and gets them to change the target of their attack.
58 Trick 4 27 0 126000 Takes away the enemys will to attack and removes the enemys target state. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill.
58 Backstab 19 93 0 42000 Attacks an enemy from behind, inflicting a mortal wound. A critical hit is possible. Instant kill is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 2875.
58 Backstab 20 95 0 42000 Attacks an enemy from behind, inflicting a mortal wound. A critical hit is possible. Instant kill is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 3004.
58 Backstab 21 97 0 42000 Attacks an enemy from behind, inflicting a mortal wound. A critical hit is possible. Instant kill is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 3136.
58 Drain Health 35 29 0 42000 Transfers HP from an opponent to yourself. Power 78.
58 Drain Health 36 30 0 42000 Transfers HP from an opponent to yourself. Power 80.
58 Drain Health 37 30 0 42000 Transfers HP from an opponent to yourself. Power 82.
58 Bleed 4 81 0 126000 Inflicts a serious wound that causes the enemy to bleed momentarily. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Effect 6.
58 Freezing Strike 15 42 0 63000 Freezes target area, instantly reducing enemys speed. Power 48. Effect 2.
58 Freezing Strike 16 43 0 63000 Freezes target area, instantly reducing enemys speed. Power 49. Effect 2.
58 Veil 6 27 0 126000 Blurs enemys vision, discouraging aggressive behavior.
58 Power Break 9 22 0 126000 Instantly reduces enemys P. Atk Effect 3.
58 Hex 7 22 0 126000 Instantly decreases enemys P. Def. Effect 3.
58 Poison 3 22 0 126000 Instantly poisons enemy. Effect 6.
58 Boost Evasion 3 0 0 126000 Increase evasion.
58 Dagger Mastery 27 0 0 42000 Increases P. Atk. when using a dagger.
58 Dagger Mastery 28 0 0 42000 Increases P. Atk. when using a dagger.
58 Dagger Mastery 29 0 0 42000 Increases P. Atk. when using a dagger.
58 Sting 31 62 0 42000 Inflict an injury by aiming at a weak spot and applying damage. Inflicts a serious wound that causes the enemy to bleed momentarily. An equipped sword, dagger or dual-sword weapon is required to use this skill. Over-hit possible. Power 320. Effect 6.
58 Sting 32 63 0 42000 Inflict an injury by aiming at a weak spot and applying damage. Inflicts a serious wound that causes the enemy to bleed momentarily. An equipped sword, dagger or dual-sword weapon is required to use this skill. Over-hit possible. Power 334. Effect 6.
58 Sting 33 65 0 42000 Inflict an injury by aiming at a weak spot and applying damage. Inflicts a serious wound that causes the enemy to bleed momentarily. An equipped sword, dagger or dual-sword weapon is required to use this skill. Over-hit possible. Power 349. Effect 6.
58 Light Armor Mastery 29 0 0 42000 Increases P. Def. when wearing light armor.
58 Light Armor Mastery 30 0 0 42000 Increases P. Def. when wearing light armor.
58 Light Armor Mastery 31 0 0 42000 Increases P. Def. when wearing light armor.
58 Deadly Blow 19 56 0 42000 Attempts a potentially deadly attack. A Lethal Strike is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 2875.
58 Deadly Blow 20 57 0 42000 Attempts a potentially deadly attack. A Lethal Strike is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 3004.
58 Deadly Blow 21 58 0 42000 Attempts a potentially deadly attack. A Lethal Strike is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 3136.
58 Vicious Stance 12 0 0 126000 Increases ones critical attack power. MP will be consumed continuously.
58 Mortal Strike 1 27 0 126000 Temporarily increases your chances of making a critical strike. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Effect 1.
58 Sand Bomb 2 27 0 126000 Explodes a cloud of sand onto your enemies and instantly reduces their line of sight (Accuracy making them look like utter buffoons. Effect 1.
58 Summon Treasure Key 2 0 0 126000 Summons Treasure Chest Keys. Summons 2-3 keys between grades 4 and 6. Consumes 3 Thief Keys.
60 Confusion 12 22 0 193000 Throws the enemy into confusion and gets them to change the target of their attack.
60 Trick 5 28 0 193000 Takes away the enemys will to attack and removes the enemys target state. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill.
60 Unlock 11 55 0 193000 Opens level 1 doors, level 2 doors, and level 3 door at 100% probability. Requires 11 Keys of a Thief. Also opens chests.
60 Backstab 22 99 0 97000 Attacks an enemy from behind, inflicting a mortal wound. A critical hit is possible. Instant kill is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 3271.
60 Backstab 23 101 0 97000 Attacks an enemy from behind, inflicting a mortal wound. A critical hit is possible. Instant kill is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 3408.
60 Drain Health 38 31 0 97000 Transfers HP from an opponent to yourself. Power 84
60 Drain Health 39 31 0 97000 Transfers HP from an opponent to yourself. Power 85
60 Freezing Strike 17 44 0 193000 Freezes target area, instantly reducing enemys speed. Power 51. Effect 2.
60 Veil 7 28 0 193000 Blurs enemys vision, discouraging aggressive behavior.
60 Power Break 10 22 0 193000 Instantly reduces enemys P. Atk Effect 3.
60 Hex 8 22 0 193000 Instantly decreases enemys P. Def. Effect 3.
60 Dagger Mastery 30 0 0 97000 Increases P. Atk. when using a dagger.
60 Dagger Mastery 31 0 0 97000 Increases P. Atk. when using a dagger.
60 Sting 34 66 0 97000 Inflict an injury by aiming at a weak spot and applying damage. Inflicts a serious wound that causes the enemy to bleed momentarily. An equipped sword, dagger or dual-sword weapon is required to use this skill. Over-hit possible. Power 364. Effect 6.
60 Sting 35 68 0 97000 Inflict an injury by aiming at a weak spot and applying damage. Inflicts a serious wound that causes the enemy to bleed momentarily. An equipped sword, dagger or dual-sword weapon is required to use this skill. Over-hit possible. Power 379. Effect 7.
60 Light Armor Mastery 32 0 0 97000 Increases P. Def. when wearing light armor.
60 Light Armor Mastery 33 0 0 97000 Increases P. Def. when wearing light armor.
60 Deadly Blow 22 60 0 97000 Attempts a potentially deadly attack. A Lethal Strike is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 3271.
60 Deadly Blow 23 61 0 97000 Attempts a potentially deadly attack. A Lethal Strike is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 3408.
60 Vicious Stance 13 0 0 193000 Increases ones critical attack power. MP will be consumed continuously.
60 Sand Bomb 3 28 0 193000 Explodes a cloud of sand onto your enemies and instantly reduces their line of sight (Accuracy making them look like utter buffoons. Effect 1.
60 Escape Shackle 1 60 0 181000 Персонаж снимает с себя рут
62 Confusion 13 23 0 270000 Throws the enemy into confusion and gets them to change the target of their attack.
62 Trick 6 29 0 270000 Takes away the enemys will to attack and removes the enemys target state. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill.
62 Backstab 24 101 0 130000 Attacks an enemy from behind, inflicting a mortal wound. A critical hit is possible. Instant kill is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 3548.
62 Backstab 25 103 0 130000 Attacks an enemy from behind, inflicting a mortal wound. A critical hit is possible. Instant kill is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 3690.
62 Drain Health 40 32 0 130000 Transfers HP from an opponent to yourself. Power 87
62 Drain Health 41 32 0 130000 Transfers HP from an opponent to yourself. Power 89
62 Freezing Strike 18 46 0 270000 Freezes target area, instantly reducing enemys speed. Power 53. Effect 2.
62 Veil 8 29 0 270000 Blurs enemys vision, discouraging aggressive behavior.
62 Power Break 11 23 0 270000 Instantly reduces enemys P. Atk Effect 3.
62 Hex 9 23 0 270000 Instantly decreases enemys P. Def. Effect 3.
62 Esprit 6 0 0 270000 Increases HP/MP regeneration while running.
62 Dagger Mastery 32 0 0 130000 Increases P. Atk. when using a dagger.
62 Dagger Mastery 33 0 0 130000 Increases P. Atk. when using a dagger.
62 Sting 36 68 0 130000 Inflict an injury by aiming at a weak spot and applying damage. Inflicts a serious wound that causes the enemy to bleed momentarily. An equipped sword, dagger or dual-sword weapon is required to use this skill. Over-hit possible. Power 395. Effect 7.
62 Sting 37 69 0 130000 Inflict an injury by aiming at a weak spot and applying damage. Inflicts a serious wound that causes the enemy to bleed momentarily. An equipped sword, dagger or dual-sword weapon is required to use this skill. Over-hit possible. Power 410. Effect 7.
62 Light Armor Mastery 34 0 0 130000 Increases P. Def. when wearing light armor.
62 Light Armor Mastery 35 0 0 130000 Increases P. Def. when wearing light armor.
62 Deadly Blow 24 61 0 130000 Attempts a potentially deadly attack. A Lethal Strike is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 3548.
62 Deadly Blow 25 62 0 130000 Attempts a potentially deadly attack. A Lethal Strike is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 3690.
62 Vicious Stance 14 0 0 270000 Increases ones critical attack power. MP will be consumed continuously.
62 Sand Bomb 4 29 0 270000 Explodes a cloud of sand onto your enemies and instantly reduces their line of sight (Accuracy making them look like utter buffoons. Effect 1.
62 Break Hold 1 0 0 0 mp? sp? Removes rooted status.
64 Confusion 14 24 0 300000 Throws the enemy into confusion and gets them to change the target of their attack.
64 Trick 7 30 0 300000 Takes away the enemys will to attack and removes the enemys target state. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill.
64 Unlock 12 59 0 300000 Opens level 1 doors, level 2 doors, and level 3 door at 100% probability. Requires 13 Keys of a Thief. Also opens chests.
64 Backstab 26 105 0 150000 Attacks an enemy from behind, inflicting a mortal wound. A critical hit is possible. Instant kill is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 3834.
64 Backstab 27 107 0 150000 Attacks an enemy from behind, inflicting a mortal wound. A critical hit is possible. Instant kill is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 3980.
64 Drain Health 42 33 0 150000 Transfers HP from an opponent to yourself. Power 90
64 Drain Health 43 34 0 150000 Transfers HP from an opponent to yourself. Power 92
64 Freezing Strike 19 48 0 300000 Freezes target area, instantly reducing enemys speed. Power 56. Effect 2.
64 Veil 9 30 0 300000 Blurs enemys vision, discouraging aggressive behavior.
64 Power Break 12 24 0 300000 Instantly reduces enemys P. Atk Effect 3.
64 Hex 10 24 0 300000 Instantly decreases enemys P. Def. Effect 3.
64 Critical Power 5 0 0 300000 Increases the power of a critical attack.
64 Dagger Mastery 34 0 0 150000 Increases P. Atk. when using a dagger.
64 Dagger Mastery 35 0 0 150000 Increases P. Atk. when using a dagger.
64 Sting 38 70 0 150000 Inflict an injury by aiming at a weak spot and applying damage. Inflicts a serious wound that causes the enemy to bleed momentarily. An equipped sword, dagger or dual-sword weapon is required to use this skill. Over-hit possible. Power 426. Effect 7.
64 Sting 39 72 0 150000 Inflict an injury by aiming at a weak spot and applying damage. Inflicts a serious wound that causes the enemy to bleed momentarily. An equipped sword, dagger or dual-sword weapon is required to use this skill. Over-hit possible. Power 443. Effect 7.
64 Light Armor Mastery 36 0 0 150000 Increases P. Def. when wearing light armor.
64 Light Armor Mastery 37 0 0 150000 Increases P. Def. when wearing light armor.
64 Deadly Blow 26 63 0 150000 Attempts a potentially deadly attack. A Lethal Strike is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 3834.
64 Deadly Blow 27 65 0 150000 Attempts a potentially deadly attack. A Lethal Strike is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 3980.
64 Vicious Stance 15 0 0 300000 Increases ones critical attack power. MP will be consumed continuously.
64 Sand Bomb 5 30 0 300000 Explodes a cloud of sand onto your enemies and instantly reduces their line of sight (Accuracy making them look like utter buffoons. Effect 1.
66 Confusion 15 25 0 370000 Throws the enemy into confusion and gets them to change the target of their attack.
66 Trick 8 31 0 370000 Takes away the enemys will to attack and removes the enemys target state. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill.
66 Backstab 28 109 0 180000 Attacks an enemy from behind, inflicting a mortal wound. A critical hit is possible. Instant kill is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 4127.
66 Backstab 29 111 0 180000 Attacks an enemy from behind, inflicting a mortal wound. A critical hit is possible. Instant kill is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 4275.
66 Drain Health 44 34 0 180000 Transfers HP from an opponent to yourself. Power 94
66 Drain Health 45 35 0 180000 Transfers HP from an opponent to yourself. Power 96
66 Bleed 5 93 0 370000 Inflicts a serious wound that causes the enemy to bleed momentarily. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Effect 7.
66 Freezing Strike 20 49 0 370000 Freezes target area, instantly reducing enemys speed. Power 58. Effect 2.
66 Veil 10 31 0 370000 Blurs enemys vision, discouraging aggressive behavior.
66 Power Break 13 25 0 370000 Instantly reduces enemys P. Atk Effect 3.
66 Hex 11 25 0 370000 Instantly decreases enemys P. Def. Effect 3.
66 Poison 4 25 0 370000 Instantly poisons enemy. Effect 7.
66 Dagger Mastery 36 0 0 180000 Increases P. Atk. when using a dagger.
66 Dagger Mastery 37 0 0 180000 Increases P. Atk. when using a dagger.
66 Sting 40 73 0 180000 Inflict an injury by aiming at a weak spot and applying damage. Inflicts a serious wound that causes the enemy to bleed momentarily. An equipped sword, dagger or dual-sword weapon is required to use this skill. Over-hit possible. Power 459. Effect 7.
66 Sting 41 74 0 180000 Inflict an injury by aiming at a weak spot and applying damage. Inflicts a serious wound that causes the enemy to bleed momentarily. An equipped sword, dagger or dual-sword weapon is required to use this skill. Over-hit possible. Power 475. Effect 7.
66 Light Armor Mastery 38 0 0 180000 Increases P. Def. when wearing light armor.
66 Light Armor Mastery 39 0 0 180000 Increases P. Def. when wearing light armor.
66 Deadly Blow 28 66 0 180000 Attempts a potentially deadly attack. A Lethal Strike is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 4127.
66 Deadly Blow 29 67 0 180000 Attempts a potentially deadly attack. A Lethal Strike is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 4275.
66 Vicious Stance 16 0 0 370000 Increases ones critical attack power. MP will be consumed continuously.
66 Blinding Blow 1 67 0 180000 While attempting a powerful attack on the enemys vital areas, it causes the enemy to show his/her back. Temporarily increases ones Speed greatly. Instant kill is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 2751.
66 Blinding Blow 2 68 0 180000 While attempting a powerful attack on the enemys vital areas, it causes the enemy to show his/her back. Temporarily increases ones Speed greatly. Instant kill is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 2850.
66 Mortal Strike 2 31 0 370000 Temporarily increases your chances of making a critical strike. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Effect 2.
66 Sand Bomb 6 31 0 370000 Explodes a cloud of sand onto your enemies and instantly reduces their line of sight (Accuracy making them look like utter buffoons. Effect 2.
66 Summon Treasure Key 3 0 0 370000 Summons Treasure Chest Keys. Summons 2-3 keys between grades 5 and 7. Consumes 4 Thief Keys.
68 Confusion 16 26 0 460000 Throws the enemy into confusion and gets them to change the target of their attack.
68 Trick 9 32 0 460000 Takes away the enemys will to attack and removes the enemys target state. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill.
68 Unlock 13 63 0 460000 Opens level 1 doors, level 2 doors, and level 3 door at 100% probability. Requires 15 Keys of a Thief. Also opens chests.
68 Backstab 30 113 0 230000 Attacks an enemy from behind, inflicting a mortal wound. A critical hit is possible. Instant kill is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 4425.
68 Backstab 31 115 0 230000 Attacks an enemy from behind, inflicting a mortal wound. A critical hit is possible. Instant kill is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 4575.
68 Drain Health 46 35 0 230000 Transfers HP from an opponent to yourself. Power 97
68 Drain Health 47 36 0 230000 Transfers HP from an opponent to yourself. Power 99
68 Freezing Strike 21 51 0 460000 Freezes target area, instantly reducing enemys speed. Power 59. Effect 2.
68 Veil 11 32 0 460000 Blurs enemys vision, discouraging aggressive behavior.
68 Power Break 14 26 0 460000 Instantly reduces enemys P. Atk Effect 3.
68 Hex 12 26 0 460000 Instantly decreases enemys P. Def. Effect 3.
68 Esprit 7 0 0 460000 Increases HP/MP regeneration while running.
68 Dagger Mastery 38 0 0 230000 Increases P. Atk. when using a dagger.
68 Dagger Mastery 39 0 0 230000 Increases P. Atk. when using a dagger.
68 Sting 42 75 0 230000 Inflict an injury by aiming at a weak spot and applying damage. Inflicts a serious wound that causes the enemy to bleed momentarily. An equipped sword, dagger or dual-sword weapon is required to use this skill. Over-hit possible. Power 492. Effect 7.
68 Sting 43 77 0 230000 Inflict an injury by aiming at a weak spot and applying damage. Inflicts a serious wound that causes the enemy to bleed momentarily. An equipped sword, dagger or dual-sword weapon is required to use this skill. Over-hit possible. Power 509. Effect 7.
68 Light Armor Mastery 40 0 0 230000 Increases P. Def. when wearing light armor.
68 Light Armor Mastery 41 0 0 230000 Increases P. Def. when wearing light armor.
68 Deadly Blow 30 68 0 230000 Attempts a potentially deadly attack. A Lethal Strike is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 4425.
68 Deadly Blow 31 69 0 230000 Attempts a potentially deadly attack. A Lethal Strike is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 4575.
68 Vicious Stance 17 0 0 460000 Increases ones critical attack power. MP will be consumed continuously.
68 Blinding Blow 3 69 0 230000 While attempting a powerful attack on the enemys vital areas, it causes the enemy to show his/her back. Temporarily increases ones Speed greatly. Instant kill is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 2850.
68 Blinding Blow 4 70 0 230000 While attempting a powerful attack on the enemys vital areas, it causes the enemy to show his/her back. Temporarily increases ones Speed greatly. Instant kill is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 3050.
68 Sand Bomb 7 32 0 460000 Explodes a cloud of sand onto your enemies and instantly reduces their line of sight (Accuracy making them look like utter buffoons. Effect 2.
70 Confusion 17 26 0 580000 Throws the enemy into confusion and gets them to change the target of their attack.
70 Trick 10 33 0 580000 Takes away the enemys will to attack and removes the enemys target state. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill.
70 Backstab 32 116 0 290000 Attacks an enemy from behind, inflicting a mortal wound. A critical hit is possible. Instant kill is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 4726.
70 Backstab 33 118 0 290000 Attacks an enemy from behind, inflicting a mortal wound. A critical hit is possible. Instant kill is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 4878.
70 Drain Health 48 36 0 290000 Transfers HP from an opponent to yourself. Power 100
70 Drain Health 49 37 0 290000 Transfers HP from an opponent to yourself. Power 102
70 Bleed 6 99 0 580000 Inflicts a serious wound that causes the enemy to bleed momentarily. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Effect 8.
70 Freezing Strike 22 52 0 580000 Freezes target area, instantly reducing enemys speed. Power 61. Effect 2.
70 Veil 12 33 0 580000 Blurs enemys vision, discouraging aggressive behavior.
70 Power Break 15 26 0 580000 Instantly reduces enemys P. Atk Effect 3.
70 Hex 13 26 0 580000 Instantly decreases enemys P. Def. Effect 3.
70 Dagger Mastery 40 0 0 290000 Increases P. Atk. when using a dagger.
70 Dagger Mastery 41 0 0 290000 Increases P. Atk. when using a dagger.
70 Sting 44 78 0 290000 Inflict an injury by aiming at a weak spot and applying damage. Inflicts a serious wound that causes the enemy to bleed momentarily. An equipped sword, dagger or dual-sword weapon is required to use this skill. Over-hit possible. Power 526. Effect 7.
70 Sting 45 79 0 290000 Inflict an injury by aiming at a weak spot and applying damage. Inflicts a serious wound that causes the enemy to bleed momentarily. An equipped sword, dagger or dual-sword weapon is required to use this skill. Over-hit possible. Power 542. Effect 8.
70 Light Armor Mastery 42 0 0 290000 Increases P. Def. when wearing light armor.
70 Light Armor Mastery 43 0 0 290000 Increases P. Def. when wearing light armor.
70 Deadly Blow 32 70 0 290000 Attempts a potentially deadly attack. A Lethal Strike is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 4726.
70 Deadly Blow 33 71 0 290000 Attempts a potentially deadly attack. A Lethal Strike is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 4878.
70 Vicious Stance 18 0 0 580000 Increases ones critical attack power. MP will be consumed continuously.
70 Blinding Blow 5 71 0 290000 While attempting a powerful attack on the enemys vital areas, it causes the enemy to show his/her back. Temporarily increases ones Speed greatly. Instant kill is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 3151.
70 Blinding Blow 6 72 0 290000 While attempting a powerful attack on the enemys vital areas, it causes the enemy to show his/her back. Temporarily increases ones Speed greatly. Instant kill is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 3252.
70 Sand Bomb 8 33 0 580000 Explodes a cloud of sand onto your enemies and instantly reduces their line of sight (Accuracy making them look like utter buffoons. Effect 2.
72 Confusion 18 27 0 710000 Throws the enemy into confusion and gets them to change the target of their attack.
72 Trick 11 34 0 710000 Takes away the enemys will to attack and removes the enemys target state. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill.
72 Unlock 14 67 0 710000 Opens level 1 doors, level 2 doors, and level 3 door at 100% probability. Requires 17 Keys of a Thief. Also opens chests.
72 Backstab 34 120 0 350000 Attacks an enemy from behind, inflicting a mortal wound. A critical hit is possible. Instant kill is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 5029.
72 Backstab 35 122 0 350000 Attacks an enemy from behind, inflicting a mortal wound. A critical hit is possible. Instant kill is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 5180.
72 Drain Health 50 37 0 350000 Transfers HP from an opponent to yourself. Power 104
72 Drain Health 51 38 0 350000 Transfers HP from an opponent to yourself. Power 105
72 Freezing Strike 23 53 0 710000 Freezes target area, instantly reducing enemys speed. Power 63. Effect 2.
72 Veil 13 34 0 710000 Blurs enemys vision, discouraging aggressive behavior.
72 Power Break 16 27 0 710000 Instantly reduces enemys P. Atk Effect 3.
72 Hex 14 27 0 710000 Instantly decreases enemys P. Def. Effect 3.
72 Critical Power 6 0 0 710000 Increases the power of a critical attack.
72 Dagger Mastery 42 0 0 350000 Increases P. Atk. when using a dagger.
72 Dagger Mastery 43 0 0 350000 Increases P. Atk. when using a dagger.
72 Sting 46 80 0 350000 Inflict an injury by aiming at a weak spot and applying damage. Inflicts a serious wound that causes the enemy to bleed momentarily. An equipped sword, dagger or dual-sword weapon is required to use this skill. Over-hit possible. Power 559. Effect 8.
72 Sting 47 81 0 350000 Inflict an injury by aiming at a weak spot and applying damage. Inflicts a serious wound that causes the enemy to bleed momentarily. An equipped sword, dagger or dual-sword weapon is required to use this skill. Over-hit possible. Power 576. Effect 8.
72 Light Armor Mastery 44 0 0 350000 Increases P. Def. when wearing light armor.
72 Light Armor Mastery 45 0 0 350000 Increases P. Def. when wearing light armor.
72 Deadly Blow 34 72 0 350000 Attempts a potentially deadly attack. A Lethal Strike is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 5029.
72 Deadly Blow 35 73 0 350000 Attempts a potentially deadly attack. A Lethal Strike is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 5180.
72 Vicious Stance 19 0 0 710000 Increases ones critical attack power. MP will be consumed continuously.
72 Blinding Blow 7 73 0 350000 While attempting a powerful attack on the enemys vital areas, it causes the enemy to show his/her back. Temporarily increases ones Speed greatly. Instant kill is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 3353.
72 Blinding Blow 8 74 0 350000 While attempting a powerful attack on the enemys vital areas, it causes the enemy to show his/her back. Temporarily increases ones Speed greatly. Instant kill is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 3453.
72 Sand Bomb 9 34 0 710000 Explodes a cloud of sand onto your enemies and instantly reduces their line of sight (Accuracy making them look like utter buffoons. Effect 2.
74 Confusion 19 28 0 1370000 Throws the enemy into confusion and gets them to change the target of their attack.
74 Trick 12 34 0 1370000 Takes away the enemys will to attack and removes the enemys target state. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill.
74 Backstab 36 123 0 680000 Attacks an enemy from behind, inflicting a mortal wound. A critical hit is possible. Instant kill is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 5330.
74 Backstab 37 125 0 680000 Attacks an enemy from behind, inflicting a mortal wound. A critical hit is possible. Instant kill is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 5479.
74 Drain Health 52 38 0 680000 Transfers HP from an opponent to yourself. Power 107
74 Drain Health 53 38 0 680000 Transfers HP from an opponent to yourself. Power 108
74 Freezing Strike 24 55 0 1370000 Freezes target area, instantly reducing enemys speed. Power 65. Effect 2.
74 Veil 14 34 0 1370000 Blurs enemys vision, discouraging aggressive behavior.
74 Power Break 17 28 0 1370000 Instantly reduces enemys P. Atk Effect 3.
74 Hex 15 28 0 1370000 Instantly decreases enemys P. Def. Effect 3.
74 Poison 5 28 0 1370000 Instantly poisons enemy. Effect 8.
74 Esprit 8 0 0 1370000 Increases HP/MP regeneration while running.
74 Dagger Mastery 44 0 0 680000 Increases P. Atk. when using a dagger.
74 Dagger Mastery 45 0 0 680000 Increases P. Atk. when using a dagger.
74 Sting 48 82 0 680000 Inflict an injury by aiming at a weak spot and applying damage. Inflicts a serious wound that causes the enemy to bleed momentarily. An equipped sword, dagger or dual-sword weapon is required to use this skill. Over-hit possible. Power 593. Effect 8.
74 Sting 49 83 0 680000 Inflict an injury by aiming at a weak spot and applying damage. Inflicts a serious wound that causes the enemy to bleed momentarily. An equipped sword, dagger or dual-sword weapon is required to use this skill. Over-hit possible. Power 609. Effect 8.
74 Light Armor Mastery 46 0 0 680000 Increases P. Def. when wearing light armor.
74 Light Armor Mastery 47 0 0 680000 Increases P. Def. when wearing light armor.
74 Deadly Blow 36 74 0 680000 Attempts a potentially deadly attack. A Lethal Strike is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 5330.
74 Deadly Blow 37 75 0 680000 Attempts a potentially deadly attack. A Lethal Strike is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 5479.
74 Vicious Stance 20 0 0 1370000 Increases ones critical attack power. MP will be consumed continuously.
74 Blinding Blow 9 75 0 680000 While attempting a powerful attack on the enemys vital areas, it causes the enemy to show his/her back. Temporarily increases ones Speed greatly. Instant kill is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 3553.
74 Blinding Blow 10 76 0 680000 While attempting a powerful attack on the enemys vital areas, it causes the enemy to show his/her back. Temporarily increases ones Speed greatly. Instant kill is possible. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Power 3653.
74 Mortal Strike 3 34 0 1370000 Temporarily increases your chances of making a critical strike. An equipped dagger weapon is required to use this skill. Effect 3.
74 Sand Bomb 10 34 0 1370000 Explodes a cloud of sand onto your enemies and instantly reduces their line of sight (Accuracy making them look like utter buffoons. Effect 3.
74 Summon Treasure Key 4 0 0 1370000 Summons Treasure Chest Keys. Summons 2-3 keys between grades 6 and 8. Consumes 6 Thief Keys.