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Профессия: Bladedancer
  Профессия: Bladedancer

  Уровень Название Уровень скилла MP HP Требуется SP Описание
40 Confusion 5 14 0 43000 Throws the enemy into confusion and gets them to change the target of their attack.
40 Drain Health 17 19 0 14000 Transfers HP from an opponent to yourself. Power 49.
40 Drain Health 18 19 0 14000 Transfers HP from an opponent to yourself. Power 50.
40 Drain Health 19 20 0 14000 Transfers HP from an opponent to yourself. Power 52.
40 Freezing Strike 3 27 0 22000 Freezes target area, instantly reducing enemys speed. Power 30. Effect 2.
40 Freezing Strike 4 28 0 22000 Freezes target area, instantly reducing enemys speed. Power 31. Effect 2.
40 Power Break 3 14 0 43000 Instantly reduces enemys P. Atk Effect 3.
40 Hex 1 14 0 43000 Instantly decreases enemys P. Def. Effect 3.
40 Dual Weapon Mastery 1 0 0 14000 Increases attack power when using dual weapons.
40 Dual Weapon Mastery 2 0 0 14000 Increases attack power when using dual weapons.
40 Dual Weapon Mastery 3 0 0 14000 Increases attack power when using dual weapons.
40 Magic Resistance 15 0 0 14000 Increases M. Def.
40 Magic Resistance 16 0 0 14000 Increases M. Def.
40 Magic Resistance 17 0 0 14000 Increases M. Def.
40 Sting 13 40 0 14000 Inflict an injury by aiming at a weak spot and applying damage. Inflicts a serious wound that causes the enemy to bleed momentarily. An equipped sword, dagger or dual-sword weapon is required to use this skill. Over-hit possible. Power 123. Effect 4.
40 Sting 14 41 0 14000 Inflict an injury by aiming at a weak spot and applying damage. Inflicts a serious wound that causes the enemy to bleed momentarily. An equipped sword, dagger or dual-sword weapon is required to use this skill. Over-hit possible. Power 131. Effect 4.
40 Sting 15 43 0 14000 Inflict an injury by aiming at a weak spot and applying damage. Inflicts a serious wound that causes the enemy to bleed momentarily. An equipped sword, dagger or dual-sword weapon is required to use this skill. Over-hit possible. Power 139. Effect 5.
40 Dance of Fire 1 60 0 43000 Temporarily increases party members critical damage. Continuous dancing consumes additional MP. An equipped dual-sword weapon is required to use this skill.
43 Confusion 6 15 0 46000 Throws the enemy into confusion and gets them to change the target of their attack.
43 Drain Health 20 20 0 15000 Transfers HP from an opponent to yourself. Power 53.
43 Drain Health 21 21 0 15000 Transfers HP from an opponent to yourself. Power 55.
43 Drain Health 22 21 0 15000 Transfers HP from an opponent to yourself. Power 57.
43 Freezing Strike 5 30 0 23000 Freezes target area, instantly reducing enemys speed. Power 33. Effect 2.
43 Freezing Strike 6 30 0 23000 Freezes target area, instantly reducing enemys speed. Power 34. Effect 2.
43 Power Break 4 15 0 46000 Instantly reduces enemys P. Atk Effect 3.
43 Hex 2 15 0 46000 Instantly decreases enemys P. Def. Effect 3.
43 Dual Weapon Mastery 4 0 0 15000 Increases attack power when using dual weapons.
43 Dual Weapon Mastery 5 0 0 15000 Increases attack power when using dual weapons.
43 Dual Weapon Mastery 6 0 0 15000 Increases attack power when using dual weapons.
43 Magic Resistance 18 0 0 15000 Increases M. Def.
43 Magic Resistance 19 0 0 15000 Increases M. Def.
43 Magic Resistance 20 0 0 15000 Increases M. Def.
43 Focus Mind 2 0 0 46000 Increases MP regeneration.
43 Sting 16 43 0 15000 Inflict an injury by aiming at a weak spot and applying damage. Inflicts a serious wound that causes the enemy to bleed momentarily. An equipped sword, dagger or dual-sword weapon is required to use this skill. Over-hit possible. Power 148. Effect 5.
43 Sting 17 44 0 15000 Inflict an injury by aiming at a weak spot and applying damage. Inflicts a serious wound that causes the enemy to bleed momentarily. An equipped sword, dagger or dual-sword weapon is required to use this skill. Over-hit possible. Power 157. Effect 5.
43 Sting 18 45 0 15000 Inflict an injury by aiming at a weak spot and applying damage. Inflicts a serious wound that causes the enemy to bleed momentarily. An equipped sword, dagger or dual-sword weapon is required to use this skill. Over-hit possible. Power 166. Effect 5.
43 Dance of Light 1 60 0 46000 Temporarily bestows sacred power to party members physical attack. Continuous dancing consumes additional MP. An equipped dual-sword weapon is required to use this skill.
46 Confusion 7 17 0 67000 Throws the enemy into confusion and gets them to change the target of their attack.
46 Drain Health 23 22 0 22000 Transfers HP from an opponent to yourself. Power 58.
46 Drain Health 24 23 0 22000 Transfers HP from an opponent to yourself. Power 60.
46 Drain Health 25 23 0 22000 Transfers HP from an opponent to yourself. Power 61.
46 Freezing Strike 7 32 0 33000 Freezes target area, instantly reducing enemys speed. Power 36. Effect 2.
46 Freezing Strike 8 33 0 33000 Freezes target area, instantly reducing enemys speed. Power 37. Effect 2.
46 Power Break 5 17 0 67000 Instantly reduces enemys P. Atk Effect 3.
46 Hex 3 17 0 67000 Instantly decreases enemys P. Def. Effect 3.
46 Dual Weapon Mastery 7 0 0 22000 Increases attack power when using dual weapons.
46 Dual Weapon Mastery 8 0 0 22000 Increases attack power when using dual weapons.
46 Dual Weapon Mastery 9 0 0 22000 Increases attack power when using dual weapons.
46 Magic Resistance 21 0 0 22000 Increases M. Def.
46 Magic Resistance 22 0 0 22000 Increases M. Def.
46 Magic Resistance 23 0 0 22000 Increases M. Def.
46 Sting 19 47 0 22000 Inflict an injury by aiming at a weak spot and applying damage. Inflicts a serious wound that causes the enemy to bleed momentarily. An equipped sword, dagger or dual-sword weapon is required to use this skill. Over-hit possible. Power 175. Effect 5.
46 Sting 20 48 0 22000 Inflict an injury by aiming at a weak spot and applying damage. Inflicts a serious wound that causes the enemy to bleed momentarily. An equipped sword, dagger or dual-sword weapon is required to use this skill. Over-hit possible. Power 185. Effect 5.
46 Sting 21 49 0 22000 Inflict an injury by aiming at a weak spot and applying damage. Inflicts a serious wound that causes the enemy to bleed momentarily. An equipped sword, dagger or dual-sword weapon is required to use this skill. Over-hit possible. Power 196. Effect 5.
46 Dance of Inspiration 1 60 0 67000 Temporarily increases party members accuracy. Continuous dancing consumes additional MP. An equipped dual-sword weapon is required to use this skill.
49 Confusion 8 18 0 89000 Throws the enemy into confusion and gets them to change the target of their attack.
49 Drain Health 26 24 0 30000 Transfers HP from an opponent to yourself. Power 63.
49 Drain Health 27 24 0 30000 Transfers HP from an opponent to yourself. Power 65.
49 Drain Health 28 25 0 30000 Transfers HP from an opponent to yourself. Power 66.
49 Freezing Strike 9 35 0 45000 Freezes target area, instantly reducing enemys speed. Power 39. Effect 2.
49 Freezing Strike 10 35 0 45000 Freezes target area, instantly reducing enemys speed. Power 40. Effect 2.
49 Power Break 6 18 0 89000 Instantly reduces enemys P. Atk Effect 3.
49 Hex 4 18 0 89000 Instantly decreases enemys P. Def. Effect 3.
49 Poison 2 18 0 89000 Instantly poisons enemy. Effect 5.
49 Dual Weapon Mastery 10 0 0 30000 Increases attack power when using dual weapons.
49 Dual Weapon Mastery 11 0 0 30000 Increases attack power when using dual weapons.
49 Dual Weapon Mastery 12 0 0 30000 Increases attack power when using dual weapons.
49 Magic Resistance 24 0 0 30000 Increases M. Def.
49 Magic Resistance 25 0 0 30000 Increases M. Def.
49 Magic Resistance 26 0 0 30000 Increases M. Def.
49 Focus Mind 3 0 0 89000 Increases MP regeneration.
49 Sting 22 51 0 30000 Inflict an injury by aiming at a weak spot and applying damage. Inflicts a serious wound that causes the enemy to bleed momentarily. An equipped sword, dagger or dual-sword weapon is required to use this skill. Over-hit possible. Power 206. Effect 5.
49 Sting 23 52 0 30000 Inflict an injury by aiming at a weak spot and applying damage. Inflicts a serious wound that causes the enemy to bleed momentarily. An equipped sword, dagger or dual-sword weapon is required to use this skill. Over-hit possible. Power 217. Effect 5.
49 Sting 24 54 0 30000 Inflict an injury by aiming at a weak spot and applying damage. Inflicts a serious wound that causes the enemy to bleed momentarily. An equipped sword, dagger or dual-sword weapon is required to use this skill. Over-hit possible. Power 229. Effect 5.
49 Dance of Mystic 1 60 0 89000 Temporarily increases party members M. Atk. Continuous dancing consumes additional MP. An equipped dual-sword weapon is required to use this skill.
52 Confusion 9 19 0 167000 Throws the enemy into confusion and gets them to change the target of their attack.
52 Drain Health 29 25 0 56000 Transfers HP from an opponent to yourself. Power 68.
52 Drain Health 30 26 0 56000 Transfers HP from an opponent to yourself. Power 70.
52 Drain Health 31 27 0 56000 Transfers HP from an opponent to yourself. Power 72.
52 Freezing Strike 11 37 0 83000 Freezes target area, instantly reducing enemys speed. Power 42. Effect 2.
52 Freezing Strike 12 38 0 83000 Freezes target area, instantly reducing enemys speed. Power 43. Effect 2.
52 Power Break 7 19 0 167000 Instantly reduces enemys P. Atk Effect 3.
52 Hex 5 19 0 167000 Instantly decreases enemys P. Def. Effect 3.
52 Dual Weapon Mastery 13 0 0 56000 Increases attack power when using dual weapons.
52 Dual Weapon Mastery 14 0 0 56000 Increases attack power when using dual weapons.
52 Dual Weapon Mastery 15 0 0 56000 Increases attack power when using dual weapons.
52 Magic Resistance 27 0 0 56000 Increases M. Def.
52 Magic Resistance 28 0 0 56000 Increases M. Def.
52 Magic Resistance 29 0 0 56000 Increases M. Def.
52 Sting 25 55 0 56000 Inflict an injury by aiming at a weak spot and applying damage. Inflicts a serious wound that causes the enemy to bleed momentarily. An equipped sword, dagger or dual-sword weapon is required to use this skill. Over-hit possible. Power 241. Effect 6.
52 Sting 26 55 0 56000 Inflict an injury by aiming at a weak spot and applying damage. Inflicts a serious wound that causes the enemy to bleed momentarily. An equipped sword, dagger or dual-sword weapon is required to use this skill. Over-hit possible. Power 253. Effect 6.
52 Sting 27 56 0 56000 Inflict an injury by aiming at a weak spot and applying damage. Inflicts a serious wound that causes the enemy to bleed momentarily. An equipped sword, dagger or dual-sword weapon is required to use this skill. Over-hit possible. Power 266. Effect 6.
52 Dance of Concentration 1 60 0 167000 Temporarily decreases party members magic cancel rate to damage and increases Casting Spd. Continuous dancing consumes additional MP. An equipped dual-sword weapon is required to use this skill.
55 Confusion 10 20 0 170000 Throws the enemy into confusion and gets them to change the target of their attack.
55 Drain Health 32 27 0 56000 Transfers HP from an opponent to yourself. Power 73.
55 Drain Health 33 28 0 56000 Transfers HP from an opponent to yourself. Power 75.
55 Drain Health 34 28 0 56000 Transfers HP from an opponent to yourself. Power 77.
55 Poison Blade Dance 1 38 0 170000 Sword emits cloud that instantly poisons nearby enemies. An equipped dual-sword weapon is required to use this skill. Effect 6.
55 Freezing Strike 13 39 0 85000 Freezes target area, instantly reducing enemys speed. Power 45. Effect 2.
55 Freezing Strike 14 40 0 85000 Freezes target area, instantly reducing enemys speed. Power 46. Effect 2.
55 Power Break 8 20 0 170000 Instantly reduces enemys P. Atk Effect 3.
55 Hex 6 20 0 170000 Instantly decreases enemys P. Def. Effect 3.
55 Dual Weapon Mastery 16 0 0 56000 Increases attack power when using dual weapons.
55 Dual Weapon Mastery 17 0 0 56000 Increases attack power when using dual weapons.
55 Dual Weapon Mastery 18 0 0 56000 Increases attack power when using dual weapons.
55 Magic Resistance 30 0 0 56000 Increases M. Def.
55 Magic Resistance 31 0 0 56000 Increases M. Def.
55 Magic Resistance 32 0 0 56000 Increases M. Def.
55 Focus Mind 4 0 0 170000 Increases MP regeneration.
55 Sting 28 58 0 56000 Inflict an injury by aiming at a weak spot and applying damage. Inflicts a serious wound that causes the enemy to bleed momentarily. An equipped sword, dagger or dual-sword weapon is required to use this skill. Over-hit possible. Power 279. Effect 6.
55 Sting 29 59 0 56000 Inflict an injury by aiming at a weak spot and applying damage. Inflicts a serious wound that causes the enemy to bleed momentarily. An equipped sword, dagger or dual-sword weapon is required to use this skill. Over-hit possible. Power 292. Effect 6.
55 Sting 30 61 0 56000 Inflict an injury by aiming at a weak spot and applying damage. Inflicts a serious wound that causes the enemy to bleed momentarily. An equipped sword, dagger or dual-sword weapon is required to use this skill. Over-hit possible. Power 306. Effect 6.
55 Dance of Warrior 1 60 0 170000 Temporarily boosts party members P. Atk. Continuous dancing consumes additional MP. An equipped dual-sword weapon is required to use this skill.
55 Arrest 1 25 0 170000 Provokes your enemies to attack and instantly immobilizes them. The target(s may not be held again while the spell remains in effect.
55 Demonic Blade Dance 1 83 0 170000 Instantly reduces the P. Atk. and M. Atk. of all nearby enemies. You must be wielding dual swords in order to use this skill. Power 229. Effect 1.
58 Confusion 11 22 0 200000 Throws the enemy into confusion and gets them to change the target of their attack.
58 Drain Health 35 29 0 67000 Transfers HP from an opponent to yourself. Power 78.
58 Drain Health 36 30 0 67000 Transfers HP from an opponent to yourself. Power 80.
58 Drain Health 37 30 0 67000 Transfers HP from an opponent to yourself. Power 82.
58 Freezing Strike 15 42 0 100000 Freezes target area, instantly reducing enemys speed. Power 48. Effect 2.
58 Freezing Strike 16 43 0 100000 Freezes target area, instantly reducing enemys speed. Power 49. Effect 2.
58 Power Break 9 22 0 200000 Instantly reduces enemys P. Atk Effect 3.
58 Hex 7 22 0 200000 Instantly decreases enemys P. Def. Effect 3.
58 Poison 3 22 0 200000 Instantly poisons enemy. Effect 6.
58 Dual Weapon Mastery 19 0 0 67000 Increases attack power when using dual weapons.
58 Dual Weapon Mastery 20 0 0 67000 Increases attack power when using dual weapons.
58 Dual Weapon Mastery 21 0 0 67000 Increases attack power when using dual weapons.
58 Magic Resistance 33 0 0 67000 Increases M. Def.
58 Magic Resistance 34 0 0 67000 Increases M. Def.
58 Magic Resistance 35 0 0 67000 Increases M. Def.
58 Sting 31 62 0 67000 Inflict an injury by aiming at a weak spot and applying damage. Inflicts a serious wound that causes the enemy to bleed momentarily. An equipped sword, dagger or dual-sword weapon is required to use this skill. Over-hit possible. Power 320. Effect 6.
58 Sting 32 63 0 67000 Inflict an injury by aiming at a weak spot and applying damage. Inflicts a serious wound that causes the enemy to bleed momentarily. An equipped sword, dagger or dual-sword weapon is required to use this skill. Over-hit possible. Power 334. Effect 6.
58 Sting 33 65 0 67000 Inflict an injury by aiming at a weak spot and applying damage. Inflicts a serious wound that causes the enemy to bleed momentarily. An equipped sword, dagger or dual-sword weapon is required to use this skill. Over-hit possible. Power 349. Effect 6.
58 Dance of Fury 1 60 0 200000 Temporarily increases party members attack speed. Continuous dancing consumes additional MP. An equipped dual-sword weapon is required to use this skill.
58 Arrest 2 27 0 200000 Provokes your enemies to attack and instantly immobilizes them. The target(s may not be held again while the spell remains in effect.
58 Demonic Blade Dance 2 88 0 200000 Instantly reduces the P. Atk. and M. Atk. of all nearby enemies. You must be wielding dual swords in order to use this skill. Power 262. Effect 1.
60 Confusion 12 22 0 264000 Throws the enemy into confusion and gets them to change the target of their attack.
60 Drain Health 38 31 0 132000 Transfers HP from an opponent to yourself. Power 84
60 Drain Health 39 31 0 132000 Transfers HP from an opponent to yourself. Power 85
60 Poison Blade Dance 2 42 0 264000 Sword emits cloud that instantly poisons nearby enemies. An equipped dual-sword weapon is required to use this skill. Effect 7.
60 Freezing Strike 17 44 0 264000 Freezes target area, instantly reducing enemys speed. Power 51. Effect 2.
60 Power Break 10 22 0 264000 Instantly reduces enemys P. Atk Effect 3.
60 Hex 8 22 0 264000 Instantly decreases enemys P. Def. Effect 3.
60 Dual Weapon Mastery 22 0 0 132000 Increases attack power when using dual weapons.
60 Dual Weapon Mastery 23 0 0 132000 Increases attack power when using dual weapons.
60 Magic Resistance 36 0 0 132000 Increases M. Def.
60 Magic Resistance 37 0 0 132000 Increases M. Def.
60 Sting 34 66 0 132000 Inflict an injury by aiming at a weak spot and applying damage. Inflicts a serious wound that causes the enemy to bleed momentarily. An equipped sword, dagger or dual-sword weapon is required to use this skill. Over-hit possible. Power 364. Effect 6.
60 Sting 35 68 0 132000 Inflict an injury by aiming at a weak spot and applying damage. Inflicts a serious wound that causes the enemy to bleed momentarily. An equipped sword, dagger or dual-sword weapon is required to use this skill. Over-hit possible. Power 379. Effect 7.
60 Arrest 3 28 0 264000 Provokes your enemies to attack and instantly immobilizes them. The target(s may not be held again while the spell remains in effect.
60 Demonic Blade Dance 3 92 0 264000 Instantly reduces the P. Atk. and M. Atk. of all nearby enemies. You must be wielding dual swords in order to use this skill. Power 284. Effect 1.
62 Confusion 13 23 0 360000 Throws the enemy into confusion and gets them to change the target of their attack.
62 Drain Health 40 32 0 180000 Transfers HP from an opponent to yourself. Power 87
62 Drain Health 41 32 0 180000 Transfers HP from an opponent to yourself. Power 89
62 Freezing Strike 18 46 0 360000 Freezes target area, instantly reducing enemys speed. Power 53. Effect 2.
62 Power Break 11 23 0 360000 Instantly reduces enemys P. Atk Effect 3.
62 Hex 9 23 0 360000 Instantly decreases enemys P. Def. Effect 3.
62 Dual Weapon Mastery 24 0 0 180000 Increases attack power when using dual weapons.
62 Dual Weapon Mastery 25 0 0 180000 Increases attack power when using dual weapons.
62 Magic Resistance 38 0 0 180000 Increases M. Def.
62 Magic Resistance 39 0 0 180000 Increases M. Def.
62 Sting 36 68 0 180000 Inflict an injury by aiming at a weak spot and applying damage. Inflicts a serious wound that causes the enemy to bleed momentarily. An equipped sword, dagger or dual-sword weapon is required to use this skill. Over-hit possible. Power 395. Effect 7.
62 Sting 37 69 0 180000 Inflict an injury by aiming at a weak spot and applying damage. Inflicts a serious wound that causes the enemy to bleed momentarily. An equipped sword, dagger or dual-sword weapon is required to use this skill. Over-hit possible. Power 410. Effect 7.
62 Dance of Earth Guard 1 60 0 360000 Temporarily increases party members resistance to attacks by earth. Continuous dancing consumes additional MP. An equipped dual-sword weapon is required to use this skill.
62 Arrest 4 29 0 360000 Provokes your enemies to attack and instantly immobilizes them. The target(s may not be held again while the spell remains in effect.
62 Demonic Blade Dance 4 95 0 360000 Instantly reduces the P. Atk. and M. Atk. of all nearby enemies. You must be wielding dual swords in order to use this skill. Power 308. Effect 2.
64 Confusion 14 24 0 440000 Throws the enemy into confusion and gets them to change the target of their attack.
64 Drain Health 42 33 0 220000 Transfers HP from an opponent to yourself. Power 90
64 Drain Health 43 34 0 220000 Transfers HP from an opponent to yourself. Power 92
64 Freezing Strike 19 48 0 440000 Freezes target area, instantly reducing enemys speed. Power 56. Effect 2.
64 Power Break 12 24 0 440000 Instantly reduces enemys P. Atk Effect 3.
64 Hex 10 24 0 440000 Instantly decreases enemys P. Def. Effect 3.
64 Dual Weapon Mastery 26 0 0 220000 Increases attack power when using dual weapons.
64 Dual Weapon Mastery 27 0 0 220000 Increases attack power when using dual weapons.
64 Magic Resistance 40 0 0 220000 Increases M. Def.
64 Magic Resistance 41 0 0 220000 Increases M. Def.
64 Focus Mind 5 0 0 440000 Increases MP regeneration.
64 Sting 38 70 0 220000 Inflict an injury by aiming at a weak spot and applying damage. Inflicts a serious wound that causes the enemy to bleed momentarily. An equipped sword, dagger or dual-sword weapon is required to use this skill. Over-hit possible. Power 426. Effect 7.
64 Sting 39 72 0 220000 Inflict an injury by aiming at a weak spot and applying damage. Inflicts a serious wound that causes the enemy to bleed momentarily. An equipped sword, dagger or dual-sword weapon is required to use this skill. Over-hit possible. Power 443. Effect 7.
64 Arrest 5 30 0 440000 Provokes your enemies to attack and instantly immobilizes them. The target(s may not be held again while the spell remains in effect.
64 Demonic Blade Dance 5 98 0 440000 Instantly reduces the P. Atk. and M. Atk. of all nearby enemies. You must be wielding dual swords in order to use this skill. Power 332. Effect 2.
66 Confusion 15 25 0 580000 Throws the enemy into confusion and gets them to change the target of their attack.
66 Drain Health 44 34 0 290000 Transfers HP from an opponent to yourself. Power 94
66 Drain Health 45 35 0 290000 Transfers HP from an opponent to yourself. Power 96
66 Freezing Strike 20 49 0 580000 Freezes target area, instantly reducing enemys speed. Power 58. Effect 2.
66 Power Break 13 25 0 580000 Instantly reduces enemys P. Atk Effect 3.
66 Hex 11 25 0 580000 Instantly decreases enemys P. Def. Effect 3.
66 Poison 4 25 0 580000 Instantly poisons enemy. Effect 7.
66 Dual Weapon Mastery 28 0 0 290000 Increases attack power when using dual weapons.
66 Dual Weapon Mastery 29 0 0 290000 Increases attack power when using dual weapons.
66 Magic Resistance 42 0 0 290000 Increases M. Def.
66 Magic Resistance 43 0 0 290000 Increases M. Def.
66 Sting 40 73 0 290000 Inflict an injury by aiming at a weak spot and applying damage. Inflicts a serious wound that causes the enemy to bleed momentarily. An equipped sword, dagger or dual-sword weapon is required to use this skill. Over-hit possible. Power 459. Effect 7.
66 Sting 41 74 0 290000 Inflict an injury by aiming at a weak spot and applying damage. Inflicts a serious wound that causes the enemy to bleed momentarily. An equipped sword, dagger or dual-sword weapon is required to use this skill. Over-hit possible. Power 475. Effect 7.
66 Dance of Protection 1 60 0 580000 Temporarily increases party members resistance to terrain damage. Continuous dancing consumes additional MP. An equipped dual-sword weapon is required to use this skill.
66 Arrest 6 31 0 580000 Provokes your enemies to attack and instantly immobilizes them. The target(s may not be held again while the spell remains in effect.
66 Demonic Blade Dance 6 101 0 580000 Instantly reduces the P. Atk. and M. Atk. of all nearby enemies. You must be wielding dual swords in order to use this skill. Power 357. Effect 3.
68 Confusion 16 26 0 780000 Throws the enemy into confusion and gets them to change the target of their attack.
68 Drain Health 46 35 0 390000 Transfers HP from an opponent to yourself. Power 97
68 Drain Health 47 36 0 390000 Transfers HP from an opponent to yourself. Power 99
68 Freezing Strike 21 51 0 780000 Freezes target area, instantly reducing enemys speed. Power 59. Effect 2.
68 Power Break 14 26 0 780000 Instantly reduces enemys P. Atk Effect 3.
68 Hex 12 26 0 780000 Instantly decreases enemys P. Def. Effect 3.
68 Dual Weapon Mastery 30 0 0 390000 Increases attack power when using dual weapons.
68 Dual Weapon Mastery 31 0 0 390000 Increases attack power when using dual weapons.
68 Magic Resistance 44 0 0 390000 Increases M. Def.
68 Magic Resistance 45 0 0 390000 Increases M. Def.
68 Sting 42 75 0 390000 Inflict an injury by aiming at a weak spot and applying damage. Inflicts a serious wound that causes the enemy to bleed momentarily. An equipped sword, dagger or dual-sword weapon is required to use this skill. Over-hit possible. Power 492. Effect 7.
68 Sting 43 77 0 390000 Inflict an injury by aiming at a weak spot and applying damage. Inflicts a serious wound that causes the enemy to bleed momentarily. An equipped sword, dagger or dual-sword weapon is required to use this skill. Over-hit possible. Power 509. Effect 7.
68 Arrest 7 32 0 780000 Provokes your enemies to attack and instantly immobilizes them. The target(s may not be held again while the spell remains in effect.
68 Demonic Blade Dance 7 105 0 780000 Instantly reduces the P. Atk. and M. Atk. of all nearby enemies. You must be wielding dual swords in order to use this skill. Power 382. Effect 3.
70 Confusion 17 26 0 850000 Throws the enemy into confusion and gets them to change the target of their attack.
70 Drain Health 48 36 0 420000 Transfers HP from an opponent to yourself. Power 100
70 Drain Health 49 37 0 420000 Transfers HP from an opponent to yourself. Power 102
70 Freezing Strike 22 52 0 850000 Freezes target area, instantly reducing enemys speed. Power 61. Effect 2.
70 Power Break 15 26 0 850000 Instantly reduces enemys P. Atk Effect 3.
70 Hex 13 26 0 850000 Instantly decreases enemys P. Def. Effect 3.
70 Dual Weapon Mastery 32 0 0 420000 Increases attack power when using dual weapons.
70 Dual Weapon Mastery 33 0 0 420000 Increases attack power when using dual weapons.
70 Magic Resistance 46 0 0 420000 Increases M. Def.
70 Magic Resistance 47 0 0 420000 Increases M. Def.
70 Sting 44 78 0 420000 Inflict an injury by aiming at a weak spot and applying damage. Inflicts a serious wound that causes the enemy to bleed momentarily. An equipped sword, dagger or dual-sword weapon is required to use this skill. Over-hit possible. Power 526. Effect 7.
70 Sting 45 79 0 420000 Inflict an injury by aiming at a weak spot and applying damage. Inflicts a serious wound that causes the enemy to bleed momentarily. An equipped sword, dagger or dual-sword weapon is required to use this skill. Over-hit possible. Power 542. Effect 8.
70 Dance of Aqua Guard 1 60 0 850000 Temporarily increases party members resistance to attacks by water. Continuous dancing consumes additional MP. An equipped dual-sword weapon is required to use this skill.
70 Arrest 8 33 0 850000 Provokes your enemies to attack and instantly immobilizes them. The target(s may not be held again while the spell remains in effect.
70 Demonic Blade Dance 8 108 0 850000 Instantly reduces the P. Atk. and M. Atk. of all nearby enemies. You must be wielding dual swords in order to use this skill. Power 407. Effect 4.
72 Confusion 18 27 0 1000000 Throws the enemy into confusion and gets them to change the target of their attack.
72 Drain Health 50 37 0 500000 Transfers HP from an opponent to yourself. Power 104
72 Drain Health 51 38 0 500000 Transfers HP from an opponent to yourself. Power 105
72 Poison Blade Dance 3 50 0 1000000 Sword emits cloud that instantly poisons nearby enemies. An equipped dual-sword weapon is required to use this skill. Effect 8.
72 Freezing Strike 23 53 0 1000000 Freezes target area, instantly reducing enemys speed. Power 63. Effect 2.
72 Power Break 16 27 0 1000000 Instantly reduces enemys P. Atk Effect 3.
72 Hex 14 27 0 1000000 Instantly decreases enemys P. Def. Effect 3.
72 Dual Weapon Mastery 34 0 0 500000 Increases attack power when using dual weapons.
72 Dual Weapon Mastery 35 0 0 500000 Increases attack power when using dual weapons.
72 Magic Resistance 48 0 0 500000 Increases M. Def.
72 Magic Resistance 49 0 0 500000 Increases M. Def.
72 Focus Mind 6 0 0 1000000 Increases MP regeneration.
72 Sting 46 80 0 500000 Inflict an injury by aiming at a weak spot and applying damage. Inflicts a serious wound that causes the enemy to bleed momentarily. An equipped sword, dagger or dual-sword weapon is required to use this skill. Over-hit possible. Power 559. Effect 8.
72 Sting 47 81 0 500000 Inflict an injury by aiming at a weak spot and applying damage. Inflicts a serious wound that causes the enemy to bleed momentarily. An equipped sword, dagger or dual-sword weapon is required to use this skill. Over-hit possible. Power 576. Effect 8.
72 Arrest 9 34 0 1000000 Provokes your enemies to attack and instantly immobilizes them. The target(s may not be held again while the spell remains in effect.
72 Demonic Blade Dance 9 111 0 1000000 Instantly reduces the P. Atk. and M. Atk. of all nearby enemies. You must be wielding dual swords in order to use this skill. Power 432. Effect 4.
74 Confusion 19 28 0 2170000 Throws the enemy into confusion and gets them to change the target of their attack.
74 Drain Health 52 38 0 1080000 Transfers HP from an opponent to yourself. Power 107
74 Drain Health 53 38 0 1080000 Transfers HP from an opponent to yourself. Power 108
74 Freezing Strike 24 55 0 2170000 Freezes target area, instantly reducing enemys speed. Power 65. Effect 2.
74 Power Break 17 28 0 2170000 Instantly reduces enemys P. Atk Effect 3.
74 Hex 15 28 0 2170000 Instantly decreases enemys P. Def. Effect 3.
74 Poison 5 28 0 2170000 Instantly poisons enemy. Effect 8.
74 Dual Weapon Mastery 36 0 0 1080000 Increases attack power when using dual weapons.
74 Dual Weapon Mastery 37 0 0 1080000 Increases attack power when using dual weapons.
74 Magic Resistance 50 0 0 1080000 Increases M. Def.
74 Magic Resistance 51 0 0 1080000 Increases M. Def.
74 Sting 48 82 0 1080000 Inflict an injury by aiming at a weak spot and applying damage. Inflicts a serious wound that causes the enemy to bleed momentarily. An equipped sword, dagger or dual-sword weapon is required to use this skill. Over-hit possible. Power 593. Effect 8.
74 Sting 49 83 0 1080000 Inflict an injury by aiming at a weak spot and applying damage. Inflicts a serious wound that causes the enemy to bleed momentarily. An equipped sword, dagger or dual-sword weapon is required to use this skill. Over-hit possible. Power 609. Effect 8.
74 Dance of Vampire 1 60 0 2170000 Partially restores party members HP by using damage inflicted upon the enemy. Damage inflicted by skill or remote attack is excluded. Continuous dancing consumes additional MP. An equipped dual-sword weapon is required to use this skill.
74 Arrest 10 34 0 2170000 Provokes your enemies to attack and instantly immobilizes them. The target(s may not be held again while the spell remains in effect.
74 Demonic Blade Dance 10 113 0 2170000 Instantly reduces the P. Atk. and M. Atk. of all nearby enemies. You must be wielding dual swords in order to use this skill. Power 457. Effect 5.