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  Название Кипа Вес Цена
 Branch of The Mother Tree Head
An essential ingredient needed by a Dwarf to make a branch of the Mother Tree. It can be sold at a regular store.
Да 60 72986 
Имя Уровень Количество Шанс
 Immortal Savior Mardil 71 2 - 4 39.773974% 
 Icicle Emperor Bumbalump 74 8 - 22 24.833552% 
 Fafurion's Herald Lokness 70 23 - 67 1/13 
 Messenger Invader Warrior 83 1 1/255 
 Lavasillisk 83 1 1/297 
 Ashuras 82 1 1/365 
 Assassin of Empire 81 1 1/385 
 Ashuras 82 1 1/389 
 Assassin of Empire 81 1 1/389 
 Tepra Scarab 79 1 1/390 
 Offering Bug 79 1 1/472 
 Ketra Orc Grand Seer 85 1 1/485 
 Ketra Orc Lieutenant 80 1 1/676 
 Grazing Windsus 81 1 1/705 
 Grazing Kookaburra 79 1 1/744 
 Messenger Invader Elite Soldier 85 1 1/6231 
Имя Уровень Количество Шанс
 Ashkenas 82 1 1/18 
 Ashkenas 82 1 1/19 
 Scarlet Stakato Walker 78 1 1/30 
 Assassin Beetle 80 1 1/31 
 Offering Bug 79 1 1/35 
 Branch of The Mother Tree 100%
 Branch of The Mother Tree 60%