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  Название Кипа Вес Цена
 Sealed Dark Crystal Robe Fabric
An essential ingredient needed by a Dwarf to make a sealed dark crystal robe. It can be sold at a regular store.
Да 60 33800 
Имя Уровень Количество Шанс
 Shilen's Priest Hisilrome 65 3 - 7 22.024631% 
 Fierce Tiger King Angel 65 20 - 60 1/5 
 Bloody Lord 75 1 1/291 
 Lilim Slayer 75 1 1/325 
 Lilim Great Mystic 78 1 1/364 
 Platinum Tribe Shaman 70 1 1/369 
 Limal Karinness 69 1 1/377 
 Crypt Preacher 72 1 1/444 
 Purgatory Liviona 71 1 1/458 
 Purgatory Gargoyle 68 1 1/478 
 Bound Warrior 72 1 1/551 
 Amon's Captain of the Guards 74 1 1/582 
 Valac's Creature 69 1 1/654 
 Hames Orc Shaman 74 1 1/1236 
 Dark Guard 70 1 1/1391 
Имя Уровень Количество Шанс
 Seal Archangel 75 1 1/7 
 Bloody Guardian 75 1 1/19 
 Lesser Ancient Scout 74 1 1/21 
 Amon's Spirits 74 1 1/27 
 Amon's Captain of the Guards 74 1 1/29 
 Canyon Antelope 68 1 1/36 
 Bone Caster 71 1 1/49 
 Needle Stakato 70 1 1/55 
 Hames Orc Footman 71 1 1/57 
 Nonexistent Man 78 1 1/62 
 Alpen Cougar 69 1 1/72 
 Sealed Dark Crystal Robe 100%
 Sealed Dark Crystal Robe 60%